
Yeah but Satriani *could* write catchy songs, even with the guitar wank. There's a reason he's the last person to go platinum with an all-instrumental guitar record.

Nice to see the MF writers have been taking their cues from my Brooklyn Nine Nine/Modern Family crossover fan-fiction.

All those years in the Nine Nine probably helped.

Wasting Light sounded really good, actually. All analog. It helps.

Between Justified, The Americans, and Archer, FX is basically the only network I watch now.

Well, Lit were basically frat boys, but Harvey Danger were the AV Club. ( The actual geeky after school gathering… Not this site.) Not remotely the same type of people.

The guitarist wasn't wearing a shIrt either.
Thanks for playing tho.

Yet another bad bad episode of SNL, but D'Angelo was easily the best musical act in ages.
And Pino Palladino (or "the white guy" to one of you) is one of the top 3 bass players working today…

And suddenly, I feel sympathy for the hackers….

Well congratulations, asshole pot.

EDIT: It actually originated from a Bonnie Tyler song. Written by the guy who wrote the Meat Loaf hits.
Guess Tom and Paul both "steal from the best"…??

Reading comprehension would serve YOU well too. Again, give me an actual QUOTE… from the 1960s… using that phrase.
Sorry I don't trust "random guy on the AV Club message board" as a source. Like, uh, DUH.

You're thinking "Rebel Without A Cause," the James Dean movie.
But I'll stand corrected if you can find a song lyric or literary reference that predates the Replacements song "I'll Be You," released 1989, and played every night on a tour opening for… you guesed it… Tom Petty….

"Mary Jane's Last Dance."
"Dani California" bites the rhythm… the chords… the structure… Everything but the chorus.

Happened in October. No lawsuit, just some lawyers and Petty/Lynne getting a cut of the royalties. Not sure why AV Club is reporting it now but…

Please tell me there's a full version of "Teutonic Butts" out there somewhere.
Don't let me down, Internet.

And Kevin Hart was done no favors by having to follow an SNL ep with Eddie Murphy in his absolute prime. The opening "Eddie as a white guy" bit was smarter and funnier than anything the current SNL has done in three years.

Hadn't seen that credit sequence in ages. Brought back fond memories of watching SNL reruns on Comedy Central in my teens. Just to be clear, 1984 was the year Billy Crystal agreed to join the cast if he could bring in his "ringers," right? AKA Guest and Shearer.

Kindred is every bit the equal of this one. Well worth tracking down.

Except she's not wrong.
As a pure rapper, Kanye is just average… But as the sonic architect and primary creator of his albums, he's miles beyond anyone right now. Case in point: I basically know what a new Jay-Z album will sound like. I have NO F**N IDEA what a new Kanye record will sound like. The jumps from 808s to