
Whoops, someone else caught it too. Just waaaaay down the page.

Not sure how everyone else missed this, but:
Jesus (and Humperdoo) were both played by the lead singer of All-American Rejects, whose last big hit was…
"Dirty Little Secret," AKA the title of the episode…
And also the song they're playing on Rock Band.

Don't think anyone mentioned Room A Thousand Years Wide… That's a Top 5 CC track for me. He stays in his lower register so the higher notes hit with more force… And the track itself is a monster. Literally the only saxophone solo in a Soundgarden song and it fits perfectly.
My first and favorite Soundgarden album is

I'm amused how this episode pairing got a whole letter grade higher than last week's (very good, very funny) pairing due to… Connective tissue?
You DO realize the episode pairings are an arbitrary decision by FOX, right? So adjusting the grades based on whether two unrelated episodes "work" together is like giving a

Counterpoint: Luke.

Yeah, in fairness AV Club abandoned its coverage of Powerless about 3 episodes before NBC abandoned the show, so maybe they were ahead of the curve.

This show is… Fine.
Powerless was a significantly better show in all respects, but I guess AV Club isn't allowed to recap two underperforming NBC sitcoms at the same time. Gotta make room for the Trump snark!!!

I called the "celibate" "joke" before it happened.

"As clear as the coffee table Danny Thomas' hooker took a shit on."
"Oh, it's an American expression…."

I know everyone's calling it a metal show, but traditionally skinheads and neo-Nazis fall into the punk genre.
It's definitely still a thing in punk circles in parts of Europe.

Eh, I thought the Pokemon characters in the audience watching the Gracie Films logo was a clever touch.

It should take 70 seconds for you to fully gauge someone's character.
Here's what to look for: Grammar, posture, scent, attire, level of perspiration, type of shirt collar.

Not sure which AVC trope is more annoying: When the reviewer clearly hates the pretty good show they're reviewing (Homeland)…. Or when they're so in love with the show they become blinded to its many, many flaws. And LMOE is definitely the latter.
This "A- episode" is making me seriously consider getting off the boat

I didn't know the Children Of Men piece even existed until right now. But he linked to it (he seems weirdly PROUD of it, for some reason), so I read it.
And yeah…. If you're a film critic that writs something THAT off base, it WILL cast a shadow over everything else.
Ít's like the old joke about the Irishman: "But you

Nah, I think they do….
….Just not remotely in the way they intended.

Between Trump winning the election and Casey winning the Oscar, methinks Newswire's whole "mockery" thing isn't having its intended effect…

I agree that putting Automatic as the header image of this article is about as ridiculous as using Sgt. Pepper's or Abbey Road as "abandon-worthy" albums in an artist's canon.

I'm not sure how she can claim to be an R.E.M. fan and say she hates "Nightswimming" in the same breath.

You know when you reward yourself for a job well done?
Reading the AV Club music coverage is the opposite of that.

Kinda amazed a person who thinks "Nightswimming" is a terrible song still has a job writing about music for a pop culture website.