I spend most of my day on Twitter sending furry porn to Tony the Tiger so I saw it when someone retweeted me.
I spend most of my day on Twitter sending furry porn to Tony the Tiger so I saw it when someone retweeted me.
No way dude. You should read them. Good for people to see how hard some people's lives are. That story is one of the best things Twitter has ever done. Great to have a window into someone's life.
The tweets are great. I loved reading them. Just left me depressed and sad for everyone involved. Even the sex trafficking murderer. Some people live hard mean lives. I guess a good artist could do something interesting with the story. I hope they don't play it like a sexually titillating romp or something…
I don't want to see a movie about those tweets. That was a sad depressing story of violence and sexual exploitation. It just made me realize why I will never pay for sex yet want prostitution to be legal. That story was nothing but a ugly scary tale of poverty and abuse.
"The squatters in their rags nodded among themselves and were soon reckoning him correct, this man of learning, in all his speculations, and this the judge encouraged until they were right proselytes of the new order whereupon he laughed at them for fools.”
I'd love to hear about how he learned to hustle rubes out of their money.
I agree with you in general as well but this lovefest is fucked. Those SNL fucks should get so much more shit for helping that bigot. I hate those hack cowards.
If Trump has any rich, famous tailors or janitors helping him I'd make fun of them too.
I liked how she was so nice to Trump. We need people like Donald Trump to feel safe when they say awful things about Mexicans and Muslims. If we as nation are truly going to get rid of all the Mexicans and Muslims in this country we need safe docile comedians who are willing to help a candidate like Donald Trump.…
Dude, they can break like 2 or 3 boards.
I give Tony winners the same amount of respect I give people that have earned black belts from suburban strip mall dojos.
They can say fart sniffer on basic cable?
Why would he not want a "C"?
Do you want to make Jesus cry? Do you????
I would be nicer to Perez Hilton if Lady Gaga asked me personally but until that happens fuck him and his stupid hair.
Power Rangers is the show with the terrible acting, stupid plots, and foam rubber monster suits right? An adult was watching that? On purpose? I'm not understanding this story.
Could she really be more annoying than an adult that likes watching Mighty Morphin Power Rangers? That's the part of the story I don't get.
As a Hollywood executive, I am great at guessing ages. She looks 53 to me. Michael Douglas looks about 35 to me. George Clooney I'd put at about 29. Channing Tatum looks like the typical 12 year old to me.
This is the perfect gift for the boring loser you know who never has anything interesting to say.
This is the one I saw. Some of them are pretty weak but there is some in the compilation that really makes you wonder.