
My favorite part about their songs are that they are never mean-spirited. They parody rap songs, but without the misogynistic lyrics that some rap songs have. It is also quite impressive for guys who have no musical background that they can make catchy songs (though I know they don't make the beats themselves).

It's really interesting that Jeremy is the character who has probably had the most character growth/change. I was surprised (as someone who hasn't watched much of season 4 or the end of season 3) that he was the one who was concerned that the nurses didn't like their jobs.

I think the thing about the Mindy Project this season is that they are trying to use the humor of (I don't know exactly how to put this) but of being a bad person to get laughs. Like Lauren being so rude to Mindy is the joke, or Jody who's antiquated and can be sexist, or Mindy who says some outrageous things

definitely go check it out tmrw :) enjoy!

I got to see this early at school and I highly recommend. I would probs give it a A- because it is really funny. And it is less than 90 minutes, so the movie never drags. The music is really funny and catchy and I am excited for the soundtrack to come out as well. I highly recommend this movie. I am probably going to

Gosh, the first half of the finale was decent, but that second half hour was cringeworthy at best. I would probably call that episode the worst of the series, which is sad because it really started out as a witty, fun, interesting sitcom. The characters have all become cartoons of themselves, none of them have showed

Yes I loved this episode of Alias! One of my faves from season 4 :) awesome throwback :D

For some reason I also stuck around….but I didn't realize this was the last season? It really did get back though during season 3. Honestly, this show would have been way better if it had matty and jenna in a solid relationship after season 2 and then have other storylines play a larger role.

No this Jonathan Groff is the head of Black-ish I believe.

Gosh I miss this show so much; I wish this would come back though I doubt it will.

Biggest laugh of the night for me was when Louise said you may not remember me. do you remember this? and slapped him and he was like "Oh my God how are you?" lol.

Only line that made me laugh was Gloria saying "they're different somehow" about a Realtor vs real-estate agent….
Too many plots (as everyone said), the jokes are no longer too clever and the characters are not really worth rooting for…

Evan writing down "Possible irony" as a clue made me laugh so hard lol. This cast is just great!

Amy describing Richard as a "Paddington Bear-looking fuck" just made me like Richard more (if that is even possible lol)

topaz is both my birth stone and the worst stone :/

I think it is assumed to be a safe house because earlier in the episode they offered a safe house in Florida to Bob to go into Witness Protection. That's why I think Jake and Holt are in witness protection. Don't know if Amy is there. And Kevin was on sabbatical in Paris (and sabbaticals usually last at least a year

I am under the assumption he is in Paris for at least another few months, basing it on the fact that many professors take year long sabbaticals and he left halfway through this season.

You forgot about Ruffini's corpuscle. Oh my God, you're rattled.

To me, it makes sense for Amy to go, since there are moles in the NYPD, if she didn't, wouldn't Figgis use her as bait? Unless I guess they make it seem like Jake and Amy broke up. I hope they explain more about all of it next season. Ugh cannot wait lol!

Jake and Amy are one of my favorite pairings on tv right now. I love that B99 hasn't become so focused on them that they lose everything else great, but it is still apart of the show!