
Yuuuusss agreed! I love these fast paced episodes. I feel like the speed of the plot heightens the stakes. The fact that the snipers were Amy, Charles and Rosa was really surprising in a wonderful way in my opinion. Certainly not that "With the exception of the end, nothing really matters in this episode"… I can't

"It’s understandable that Boyle would want to celebrate with his Nine-Nine brethren after such a big case, but shouldn’t he also follow-up with Genevieve about the adoption? No? Alright."

Another A episode for me lol. Absolutely loved it. Hilarious, fast paced, each character was able to shine. So many great quotable moments. The Jake and Amy bit at the end was perfect in my opinion. The fact that the following scene was Holt and Jake in FL made it all the more heart wrenching. I thought this episode

I really like Dong and Kimmy together. I think the pairing is great and I loved this episode! The montage in the abandoned hotel was amazing. What I like is that this is one of the few relationships with Kimmy on the show where the characters are similar; the majority of the relationships with Kimmy serve as a

Okay was I the only one who didn't understand Phil's get-up and why he was letting himself go? They really didn't explain it well at all.

OMG, after Rosa tried to move his lint, Holt started pointing at the lint when saying that and It was amazing. Andre Braugher's body language is just as amazing as his voice!

"I really have embraced my wild side today."
"As have I. Chocolate AND nuts?! Actually that's overkill."

OMG this episode was so cringeworthy - the Jess stuff in particular. Winston was the only good part of her storyline. I dont understand why they are trying to make Jess and Sam happen; and every if they want to, why like this? It felt like they were trying too hard to make it so overtop that we did not even realize

I think my bar for BBT has gotten to the point where if the episode/at least one of the characters doesn't piss me off, I am okay. Most recently it was Raj, but in this episode I actually liked the Raj/Bernadette/Howard storyline. I thought Howard and Bernadette were mature in telling Raj that he was overstepping, but

Sookie was always my favorite character from the original so I am pumped!

Emery's rage after Eddie cheated was hilarious. Omg I laughed so much lol. It was so ridiculous haha

I definitely agree. With Nick, I feel like the show thinks he is at his funniest when he's absurdly inept, when in actuality, I think he was way funnier in season 1 when he was more so a grumpy old man than an incapable adult. I think Winston is the only character that can pull off the absurdity without going over the

I think Jess contributes but I think that there are a lot of annoying aspects about her that the show doesn't move forward wit - especially her constant meddling and not letting things go. I think Jess works well when she plays off of the other characters. I generally am not a big Cece fan and her Jess' part when they

I really didn't find this episode funny. Maybe it was the shock of how offensive Phil's storyline was in my eyes. The only time I laughed was when Mitch and Cam were at the park and they lost Lily and Cam shouted "LIIIILLLLYY?!" - that is a joke that I will never tire of. However, MF has really lost it's mojo in my

In relation to the serialized plot points, I have a feeling it's coming up starting next episode. The next one is when Pimento is like paranoid the mafia is back after him. Then I think Amy goes undercover with the FBI at a women's prison and the guy from 24 guest stars as a FBI person for 2 episodes and after that is

Gina: "I've been asking you for months if I could answer the phone like this (singing) 'Whoooooooooo Diiiiiiiiiiiissss?
Holt: Give it a whirl, gurl!

This episode definitely stands out as one of the better episodes this season. Not just the reveals, but all around the flow of the episode was well paced and interesting. Excited for the next two episodes!

This episode was below average in my opinion. It was not very funny, many of the characters bordered on annoying and the plot lines are not even interesting anymore.

I don't know but i did not think that this episode was that funny. I guess the jokes just did not land for me.

I definitely agree that this was a low stakes episode but I found it overall quite hilarious. All of the moments in the Terry/Rosa/Pimento storyline were hilarious. I love that Terry was the third wheel. I also agree that the Charles story was the weakest point, but when he was holding that possum I was making the