
None of that changes the fact that they could have just took turns.

That's because doing the growl naturally really hurt his throat. So, in the later films, they had to do it artificially in post-production. Needless to say, it didn't turn out so well.

Bale's Batman voice in "Batman Begins" was actually not that bad, because it was really natural. In the later pictures they started doing the growling-voice artificially in post-production, since doing it naturally really hurt Bale's throat, which was the reason why it turned out so shitty.

Patrick-era Bateman. It was a weird time for him….

Well, Reagan told us they're one and the same, so I'll take his word for it.

If UKIP probably feels like most of their electorate and takes it as a personal insult that another sport DARES to use the name of *football* and isn't play majorly with ones foot. So, they probably feel nothing but disgust for the NFL, I would think.

It truly baffles me how so many people can't seem to get this point.

That would be CinemaSins themselves.

Well, to be fair, the first Transformers was a pretty good dumb-fun flick, argubaly the best Michael Bay has done, whereas "Cystal Skull" was… not.

"I mean, reason #1 is there not being such a thing as the supernatural" - Not everybody in the world is an atheist, and many people do believe in the supernatural, or are at least scared by the possibility of it. And the way you say that as if it should be an absolute certainty to everybody makes you sound incredibly

Well, we all know that "Nevermore" is the only word that exists in the entire poem, or in Poe's entire written work for that matter, so it shouldn't be much of a challenge there.

Mike Teavee's son in 1971:
"Oompa Loompa, doomba dee do
I've got another puzzle for you.
Oompa Loompa, doomba da dee
If you are wise, you'll listen to me.
What do you get from a glut of TV?
A pain in the neck, and an IQ of 3
Why don't you try simply reading a book?
Or could you just not bear to look?
You'll get no (you'll get

Actually, turning the kids into incredibly exagerated sterotypes was part of what made it good to me. Reading Dahl's book, it's pretty clear that this is how he envisioned them. Charlie is the purest of the pure, the pinnacle of what a child is supposed to be, while each of the other children represents a particular

My opinion of it exactly. Actually, if you take single elements, the original is better on almost every turn (the excpetion being that Freddie Highmore is much better than the kid from the original). The Oompa-Loompa's were better in the original than in the Burton version. Gene Wilder was a better Willy Wonka than

I'll fully admit to my ignorance about the sport, and I know that if I sat down and tried to seriously understand the rules and the dynamics of Rugby a little better, I'd probably enjoy it. However, watching it on TV from time to time, it just feels…. I don't know, stale. I know this is ironic coming from a guy who's

I can definately see Angelina Jolie thinking that using a slightly higher tone of voice with the children is considered "abuse".

Not trying to play psychologist here, but "beautiful woman attacking him for his looks" is probably something that already happened a lot in Jonah Hill's life, so one can at least sympathize why hearing something like that, again, probably isn't the best of feelings. Stuff like that can leave a very deep emotional

As someone who's got an average-looking body and was even described as "somewhat attractive" by others, yet was never even close to getting laid in college, now I feel bad too.

Dude, you're in the wrong place. Youtube comments are that way —->

True, I agree with your points about ego and rivalry, but I don't really think it applies here, because that would suggest that there are two rival groups inside Fox producing X-Men and Deadpool, which there are not. It's the exact same group of executives that's funding both properties, especially since both titles