
Also, he pronounces the "s" like a "sh".

Not enough, sadly.

Yeah, but the DCEU has the advantage of having previously well-known commodities that are pretty much guaranteed to make money, no matter what. No matter how shitty BvS or Suicide Squad were, people are always going to see a Justice League movie.

Both, I reckon.

Really? I always thought Jeffrey Dean Morgan was absolute perfect casting as The Comedian.

I mean, fuck. Liam Neeson has a body-type no different than your typical middle-aged dad, but he can still be believably referenced in pop culture the most badass man alive due to the Taken franchise.

But I think that was the feeling they were going for in Skyfall. We start with his first mission in Casino Royale, but by Skyfall he has already been in the field for a while and is already a seasoned agent. We don't know how much time exactly has passed between QoS and Skyfall. For all we know, the entire Bond

Really? I always thought the Greengrass movies, especially Ultimatum, were text-book example of a good use of shaky-cam.

"Streets of Rio"

You're not fooling anybody, Cornette! Get outta here!

Exactly. Harrison Ford started acting well into his 30's. Samuel L. Jackson got his first movie role at 46 or something. Ang Lee at 37 had yet to direct a single movie. Although they're different media, Stephen King was in his late 20's when he wrote his first novel and Stan Lee was in his fucking 40's when he made

I blame the 90's.

Well, you can always start to look into WWE's weekly TV shows, "Monday Night RAW" and "Smackdown Live". Of those, I would recommend watching Smackdown, and watching RAW only if you reeeeally start to like this wrestling stuff, since Smackdown, despite being the "B-show", is much more fast-paced, better written and has

Well, he's not murdering innocent people, though. All the people he kills are either Russian gangsters or other assassins. All the people he kills are people that were already trying to kill him. And all of them are simply because they get in his way. The movie makes it clear that if they had just stayed out of his

"Even when the movies are bad (Constantine)" YOU TAKE THAT BACK, YOU HERETIC!

"Then I guess the idea is that one can say he didn't cheat because there's no definitive proof he cheated" — Yes, precisely. Last time I checked, it was 'innocent until proven guilty', not the other way around.

Adam Vinatieri didn't magically appear in a field position in which a FG attempt was possible. Brady led the team there.

Which the Pats do just about as much as any other team in the league, regardless of what salty fans or witch-hunting commissioners seem to think.

Isn't Kraft part of the "liberal billionaires" fraternity (along with Gates, Soros, etc.)?

While "The Departed" wasn't a work of genius, it definately still qualifies as, at the very least, 'good'.
And, it might be just my personal enjoyment of the movie talking, but "The Wolf of Wall Street" is an absolute classic in my book.