
If I ever wanted real life to happen like a pro-wrestling storyline, it would be badass face HHH beating the ever-loving shit out of dastardly heel Kevin Dunn once Vince retires, and literally throwing him out of the door, never to be seen again.

Except it wasn't someone else drinking their milkshake, though. "Fox Executives making a shit-ton of money with Deadpool" or "Fox Executives making a shit-ton of money with X-Men: Apocalypse" is still "Fox Executives making a shit-ton of money"! I doubt they care much beyond this point. They put Deadpool's release in

The Godfather: Answer the Call

Of course. We all know Hollywood Executives absolutely HATE IT when a movie makes a lot of money for them.

"The real heroes here"

A) AC/DC is way more well-known and popular than Motörhead, so they would be the one with bad PR in this case.
B) I don't really understand why you're using "AC/DC" as if it were a derogatory term.
C) Fuck you.

Yeah, uhm…. something, something, Dani California…

*whispers* We're everywhere…….

After it blew up in the media, the police brought them in for testimony so they could investigate the crime, and Lochte then repeated his lie to the police officers who were taking his official testimony. So, yeah, that is false testimony, and that is a crime in Brazil. They seized the passports so Lochte and co.


It's actually how the R's at the beginning of words are always pronounced in the Portuguese language.

We appreciate your sympathy nonetheless.

Contrary to what seems to be popular belief in America, we do have telephones in Brazil, and those telephones do have a "911"-type service (here it's "190"). And, I know this may come as a shock, but if you use said service to call the police, as the security guards in the gas station did, the police actually shows up!

Never thought I'd give an upvote for a Pirates of the Caribbean reference, but… here you go!

At least Hope Solo's kinda hot.

- Got a strip tease from Madonna at her peak hotness.


Charles de Gaulle was one of the great leaders of our time and, for all he did with the Resistance in World War II, and for all he means to the French nation to this day, he deserves the upmost respect.

That's Batfleck for ya!! (laugh track)

Or, most likely, klling all the villains mercilessly.