
I'd start working on a plan to force America, Russia and China to start World War 3 and bring about the subsequent nuclear holocaust because, honestly, the world would not be worth living in anymore, for anyone.

With 'The Jungle Book', 'The Good Dinosaur', and, especially 'Civil War' all being either relative or massive successes? Nah, I don't think so.

Tom Hanks.

True! However, while that voice did work perfectly for the cartoon, it does not fit Hugh Jackman AT ALL.

Are you criticizing the theme for that show? Please tell me you're not commiting such horrifying blasphemy.

Well, like some other fellow in the comments section mentioned, being a fan of something is, almost by definition, not a rational process. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense to you (actually, yes, when I think about it, it doesn't even make that much sense to ME), but, just because YOU can't understand why people care

Yeah, I remember it getting a pretty good reception at the time.

The Ben-Hur remake got barely any press at all, so it's fair to say most people didn't complain about it because they never heard about it. Plus, Ben-Hur is a cinematic classic, no doubt, but it's not NEARLY as beloved by fans as Ghostbusters. And yes, they would be very much this irritated if they'd just straight up

Indeed. It was so fucking simple.

I don't know if it's me that's missing the irony, or you people, but it's really funny that you are all having the EXACT same reaction as the people complaining about the Ghostbusters remake. Yet, when they're doing it, it's just because they're sexist, and not because they share the same complaints you all probably

Oh, yes you would. In fact, if it didn't star a woman and just another dude replacing Harrison Ford, you'd see even 'respectable' sources like AV Club shitting on it.

The fact that they're 'forgetting' that the previous movie existed and basically presenting this story as if it was the first time anyone has ever made a "Ghostbusters" movie, basically means they're making a 'replacement' version of something nobody wants replaced. Like the OC said, if they had instead named this

It's not the fact that it's erasing the original movie, that's what people don't get. It's the fact that it's (willingly or not) trying to replace it as the true "Ghostbusters" to the new generation. This guy uptop in the comments section mentioned that he gets pretty mad when he mentions Willy Wonka to kids today,

Did these other movies have "Ghostbusters" in the title? No? Then, very well, there was no reason why the events of "Ghostbusters" should've happened in those movies. However, this new movie has "Ghostbusters" as its title, so it is kind of irritating when it nevertheless ignores all the other shit that already


She's Catelyn's daughter, has a lot of her mother in her and is very beautiful, so I think he shares the same warped kind of love for her as he did for Cat. Still, he doesn't love her nearly enough as he loves power, so yeah, definately, he'll kill her if he has to. Like Varys once said: "He (Littlefinger) would

That particular scene is in Live and Let Die, I believe.

Well, I sure watched your mother last night, Trebek!!

I'm sorry for your lack of a human soul.

It was Pycelle who convinced King Aerys II to open the gates to Tywin's army, but yeah, you're right about the rest.