
And he's Brazilian!! Yay for us, for once!!

She fled Stannis camp once she learned half his army had deserted him and saw that defeat was iminent. About the time Stannis was dying, she was entering Castle Black with a defeated look on her face.

Rejecting a naked Natalie Dormer was the main reason why he was not worthy of the crown to me.

I told you, I'm not allowed to argue unless you pay.

One also cannot forget "Oscar-bait: The Movie", also known to the commoners as "Shakespeare In Love".

The Dark Knight's "some men just want to watch the world burn" wasn't referring to terrorsts in general, as the other movies in the trilogy clearly showed that sometimes terrorists do the stuff they do with a political or ideological agenda (BTW, your attempt at painting terrorists as these "poor little souls who are

There was pushback from a minority of overly sensitive people about something that doesn't really matter since the majority of people don't give a shit and the fact that Spider-Man somehow doesn't seem to bother children of all races and genders, whom all identify with and love Spider-Man, nearly as much as it bothers

It's a fiction movie, so of course they are always going to present super-heroes as ultra-moral "good guys", and because it's a fiction movie, you're suppose to apply the almighty Suspension of Disbelief and just accept that that's what they are. Captain America's ENTIRE CHARACTER TRAIT is that he's an All-American

"Captain America: Civil War" is a much more catchy title than "Captain America: Now, What Are We Gonna Do About This Bucky Fella?"

Great review guys, except that, really, there was no resentment from anyone than I've seen, that the actor they cast to play Peter Parker was a white male teenager. Especially, since the general looks of the character Peter Parker are already pretty well established. You can't simply change that because "it's 2016".

I'm a grown man who cried and sobbed like a baby lost from his mother at the end of "Toy Story 3", and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

In the books, Jamie has Edmure released so he can negotiate the surrender of Riverrun (who is still rebelious and flying the Stark flag on its towers) with the Blackfish. He ends up helping Blackfish escape.

You know, I read all the books, but I seriously don't remember where or in which this book this scene was mentioned? I'm not being sarcastic or anything, I really don't remember. In which book was that scene in?

Just because the everyday problems-style of comedy isn't as "insightful" as the more Carlin-esque type stuff, doesn't mean it can't be pretty fucking good.

Indeed. It did seem to rely heavily on nostalgia feelings for old Formula One, and employed a lot of "easter eggs" that would require some previous knowledge of the sport to be understood, so, yeah, I guess it didn't really cater to the American audience in the least.

Exactly. The guy was pretty good in Rush, and Rush was a pretty good movie. Unfortunately (and inexplicably), Americans don't give much of a shit about Formula One, so both of these facts remained un-noticed by a lot of the domestic audience.


No problem with him personally, he's a fine actor, but I kinda think his voice would be too high-pitched for the character.

She also did Ocean's Eleven in 2001, I think.

"Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adults themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in