
Your "F" looks like an "A"!

Gawd I hope this doesn't kill that paragon of virtue!

Wasn't my point. My point was clearly laid out in my final paragraph:

And I still say you are horrendously overestimating the numbers of these people, which is its own form of bigotry. It only takes a handful of bigots to turn something ugly. Leslie Jones saw worse than any of these queens and she was bombarded by maybe a few hundred assholes. This show gets about 700,000 viewers, and

I think Ginger shined in a lot of places… except for in Untucked lol.

And it would be more fun than whatever a bunch of loser fans have to say, right?

Possibly. Some will argue that the VH1 move wasn't known when they were filming, but I bet it was known when they edited it. These shows create tons of unused footage, so I'm sure someone decided it was much more important to fill this season with Very Special Episodes once that deal was made.

You might want to read some books on how to understand what other people write. I did not state that EVERYBODY slavishly followed the Nazi party. They didn't need EVERYBODY to. They just needed the millions of people who DID follow him slavishly. It's how Hitler got elected in the first place, as other parties just

I'm not on the "editing" bandwagon. I think it was a "producer" problem. After seeing them all go for each other in the reunion, I'm convinced it was the producers who were keeping ths from happening in the workroom. They were so intent on getting all these "real life" LGBT stories out of the queens that they forgot

Then it was!!!!

I think a lot of shit happened over social media between filming and airing, and naturally the frontrunners would've received much of the hate dished out there. I'd come with my claws out if I was one of the victims of that sort of shit. Hell, I'd come with my machine gun.

A sizable fraction of the television audience also watches the NCIS shows, so it's not like being part of a large group necessarily gives anyone any sort of cachet.

It never should've been called "Miss Congeniality". They obviously wanted a prize that they could award to someone other than the winner that would also make the fans happy, so they just stole this idea from Miss America. Problem is, it actually is about congeniality as it's voted on by all of the actual contestants.

Oh, I just LOVE baseless bigotry!

I don't think it's "in spite" of winning the most, but "because" of that. As we all know, 20-somethings are the most vocal presence on social media, and they're also the most immature. "Their" queen didn't win so they're gonna fuck with the one who might.

And now we won't get the stupid "So what have you been doing since you got eliminated?" bullshit during the finale!

But your condescending response? At least you got it off your chest and you posted it here…

There's a difference between "fake" and "fucking asshole".

They have asses in them after they're put on!

Once you get a little fame, you'll have unknown designers flocking to your door.