
Wow, that show just made me dislike so many more of these queens. Alexis annoyed me by the time she clopped away, and she hasn't learned anything since. Her acting like her shit don't stank made me wonder if she owns an olfactory nerve. Trinity's reactions to Eureka did not look pretty, especially after she read

So you've never heard "Because Ginger was a fucking bitch on Untucked"? Because that reason is actually far more popular than Violet herself.

Of the ones who didn't win their season? Obviously the All-Stas winners, Alaska and Chad. Also Manila and Raven. Honestly, anyone with a massive personality would've probably had a leg up on this competition: Jujubee, Latrice, Chi Chi. Hell, I would have liked to see how Adore or Detox or BenDeLaCreme would've

I love it when people who act like Nazis or fascists or bigots calling other people these words. Last I checked, Hitler was able to accomplish a lot of evil simply because millions of people slavishly followed the Nazi Party without ever questioning a single thing their leader was doing, mostly because their bigotry

No. Sasha's verse was at least clever.

And the outfit she wore for the dance was her usual bodysuit-with-extra-shit-which-still-doesn't-hide-that-it's-a-fucking-bodysuit. Her outfit for that was easily the worst of the four, and her lip-syncing was off. A lot. So I don't understand why so many people are giving her the title this week. Does that stuff no

I think innovation should be rewarded this season only because I don't think the other queens are bringing anything new to the table. Which is fine. Bob didn't really bring anything new to the table, but what he brought was something we've seen but just elevated to an art form. If Sasha could break out of her

True, but I also didn't make it to the end of that season, the ONLY season I never finished. Yet I'll watch through to the end of this one. So there's something to be said for having actual likable queens in the finale.

I want more sewing challenges! I'm tired of seeing these bitches going into their eixisting wardrobes and picking out outfits that KINDA fit the challenges they've been told about before the show. "Rainbow? Hmm, this one has more than one color in it, so I'll just paint some colors on my arms!" "Unicorn? I'll just

Can we just have 14 queens that don't own a single bodysuit?

Oh, is that the reason Violet won now? The reason changes on a regular basis.

This is defnitely going to be a season where the voting is going to matter. If someone runs away with it, then Ru won't ignore that. But if voting is close, Ru will probably choose Shea.

I think they blow a solid opportunity with this stupid semifinal group lip-sync. This really is their only chance to elimnate someone who is skating by on lip-syncing skillz. Screw a one-on-one lip-sync. Eliminate the ability for a bottom queen to move on yet again. They can pretend this episode counts, but they can

It would still have come off like so many of the outfits this season: "I don't have anything for this theme so I'll just take one of my old outfits and add something that mildly reminds people of the theme!" And the judging hasn't been any better than the fashion this year. It irks me to no end that these bitches

Girl has had coloring issues ALL SEASON LONG. One week she's a raccoon, the next she's a scary white lady, the next she's green for some fucking reason. But mostly raccoon.

It seemed to me that Alexis played to the cameras too much. Even when she was giving unwanted advice, it felt like it was more to show the viewers that she's so knowledgeable about this shit rather than to give actual helpful advice. I don't really feel like we saw Alexis be ALEXIS.

Have you been to a local drag show? LOTS OF QUEENS have poor taste! Or poor budgets that force poor taste.

I like Bianca, but there have only been 9 of these things and there have been more than 9 deserving queens, so she ain't all that in the math department.

They were asked to imitate ACTUAL PEOPLE not ENTIRE RACES. There was no "African American" in The Village People, there was - and still is - Felipe Rose, a half-Native-American man who chose to appear in public in stereotypical Native-American garb. That is LITERALLY his act. So the "African American" comparison is

I'm totally not getting the LSFYL luv this week. I thought Peppermint's performance against Cynthia was waaaaay better than this. In fact, that's what I kept thinking throughout this whole performance. "Ehh, I've seen her do better." It's Top 5, bitches, bring it!!!!