
Nice how the word "alleging" is used once in reference to the ex-wife's letter, and then for the rest of the article that whinefest is treated as fact. Because who's more trustworthy than an ex-wife who is more interested in publicly shaming her husband than in PROTECTING HER FUCKING CHILDREN FROM THE SAME EXACT

The best was John Oliver, but this site only seems interested in the CBS late-nighters.

Why are they all so ugly? They want to talk about the importance of the white race, but if we all looked like that, we'd deserve to be exterminated.

Yeah, I'm in the 35-to-40-percent range myself. But I'm in California where it is lower.

The stupidest thing about this whole idea of him saying the wrong thing and pissing off his "base". That's just some stupid shit. This guy's destroying the country and all they care about is their bigotry. What happens if he says, "White supremacists are bad for this country!"? Are these bigots going to go and vote

You're both wrong! Donald Trump is the worst traitor in American history!

It's one of those "clever" abbreviations that bigots like to use. It's super-duper short for "anti-fascists" (one whole syllable!). Like "cuck" for "cuckold" (another saved syllable!). Though they do have some time-savers like "delish" which is short for "Trump's tiny cock is so fucking delicious after it's been

Could you imagine the same scenario in the US? When a show moves to another channel here WE JUST FIND IT ON THE NEW FUCKING CHANNEL! Then again, we have the fucking adult fetuses who can't mentally handle Disney changing ut the sexual slavery auction scene from Pirates of the Caribbean…

Original Cabin Fever sucks.

The other problem with the premise is that regardless of the outcome of the Civil War, slavery would've ended up being outlawed in the Confederate States not long after the War. If it's the 21st Century and they have slaves, what they wouldn't have is trading partners. Yes, slavery exists in other countries nowadays,

Just finished my binge and I enjoyed it, but you nailed it with the caricatures remark. It often felt like whenever there was time to develop a character, they instead chose to include a scene of even more Minnesota niceness. This was the first time in the series that it felt the Minnesota-ish-ness was being treated

Jesus Fucking Shit on a Shingle! I know this is late, but has this recapper NEVER thought that maybe MAYBE Jackie Lynn is possibly FUCKING ADOPTED? It's especially annoying considering how many television shows nowadays have adopted kids who don't look anything like their parents: Modern Family, This Is Us, The Flash,

I can't see Aisha Tyler not being around next season unless it's a creative decision. It's not like she has to set aside months of her life to do the show. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that recording this shortened season took all of a day for each actor, save maybe Benjamin. That's free money!

If the people born between 1977 and 1983 weren't so lazy, entitled and self-centered, they'd realize that 1964-to-1977 ISN'T ENOUGH FUCKING YEARS TO MAKE A GENERATION. Most people have decided that Generation X ends somewhere in the early 80s, about 20 years after the random 1964 number. 20 years is actually a


Ron Howard is only good when the characters have no inner lives. Since this is Star Wars… yeah, he'll do great!

One thing's for sure: As far as shows taking place in the Pacific Northwest where the beginning of the end is occurring, at least having a zombie mayor made more sense in this storyline than having a Wesen mayor did on Grimm. That was some seriously stupid shit!

These lists need to be kept down to a reasonable number. That way we won't get the handful of choices that have no damn bizness being on any Best Of list.

Miller has been doing standup for how long now, and he still only has about 10 minutes of solid material. He should probably just move into acting.

My favorite line was one of the best of the entire season: "I'm not about to have my vagibrary be Underground Railroaded by this!"