
They did it once, they ain't going back to that well.

You know, there are just some things you should never do on these boards: be a bigot, be excessively stupid, ask someone why they watch this show SINCE ALL THEY EVER DO IS COMPLAIN ABOUT IT, admit to liking ANYTHING about Cats…

I don't give two squats about 90210, but enjoyed the acting challenge. They need to cut the Very Special Episode happening every single episode - and ALWAYS at the mirror… hmmm… could they be getting PROMPTED??? And the runways have been less than steller so cut some minutes there too. Don't cut from the ONLY

I think the issue was the middle syllable. She was coaching her to say it like ANNNN-dree-uh, not annn-DRAY-uh.

It wasn't a "feud". Roxxxy straight up bullied Jinkx. Anyone growing up gay in this country should know better than to treat someone like that!

I thought either one could go. But over the course of this season, Aja has been the more lackluster of the two queens, so I predicted she'd be the one going home. Don't worry, Nina will be joining her soon. That repetitive silhouette and Debbie Downer personality won't be taking her much further.

I don't think your comparisons are completely apt, the problem being that you are limiting the number of Queen types. Kim Chi and Courtney weren't "Looks Queens"; they were Fashion Queens (who are usually Fish but just better put-together, Pageant Queens seem to be Fashion Queens who've done pageants and are more

Does anybody? This is like the Season of Valium. And if someone's taking Valium I want them to share, bitches!

Well, now you seem like you've gone a little CUCU since we don't know what the bitch said.

Oliver, I'm usually with you a good 98% of the way, but there is just something I cannot get behind: YOU LOVE "CATS"? Sorry, unforgivable. I've killed people who sing THE SONG THAT MUST NOT BE NAMED in my presence. SHAME!

The reason the mystery wasn't important is because the writers don't understand the basics of the genre. For us to care, you have to give us REAL suspects and REAL clues, and they have to be onscreen for more than a few minutes over a dozen episodes. Any episode of CSI did a better job of this than this show (hint,

None of those stories have vanished because of the time-jump. It would take Kristen Wiig a long time to find them as their new home wasn't part of any plan. And just as MANY shows have done time jumps, many more shows have also done flashbacks to fill in any blanks.

Any episode can only being an improvement after seeing Ravi whine like a little bitch for sixty minutes (yes, I'm sure he was whining through the commercial breaks also). If only the Livinatrix had shown up a week earlier!

Actually I speak Spanish and I couldn't get half of what she was saying. And I happen to be normally excellent at understanding the incomprehensible. It's incredibly lazy and borderline prejudiced to think that everyone has an ease with every single accent on the planet. It's even worse when Cynthia's whole fucking

Maybe because it was a poorly-done "joke"??? That stumble in NO WAY was reminiscent of the AWESOME tumble Madonna took at the Brits. Plus it was a different outfit and song, so putting the two together was an awkward mix. And, unlike Cynthia, Madonna is a GREAT lip-syncer, as seen in every one of her concerts!!!

Why would many of them know who she is? Her last Top 40 Hit was NINE years ago. In the 21st Century she has had two MAJOR hits: 4 Minutes and Hung Up, and how often do you hear either of these played on the radio? Half these contestants were teenagers or younger when Madonna was actually relevant. They know her music,

It was a constant refrain here the first few episodes. We all just got tired of it.

No, it wasn't. "Clever" would have been turning it into a complete clown fall - like Madonna's fall actually was - not that little half-stumble she managed. Drag queens are supposed to be over-the-top. Performing 5 percent of a fall is the exact opposite of that.

I totally agree with what Oliver said. After Kimonogate, why WOULDN'T you bring two outfits? It's not like nobody brings "just in case" outfits. The Met Gala outfit could've easily been repurposed into a different non-Madonna-looking outfit for future episodes, while that Material Girl dress can ONLY be a Material

Probably because a lot of people weren't exactly happy about Chad Michaels doing Cher, something she does on a daily basis. Robbie Turner does Liza in her act. That still doesn't explain why they allowed Derrick to play Britney, but that's probaly because they figured she wouldn't actually be good at a SPEAKING