
Nobody is playing this game more than Valentina, but where's her backlash? Many people are straight up hypocritical in the way they treat these queens. "How DARE Charlie come on this show unwilling to play the game and how DARE Alexis come on this show WILLING to play the game!" WTF?

Considering she answered YES to the lesbian question, the only person bi-erasing would be Marlene herself.

Sofia Vergara is hilarious, but she really has no outstanding feature that makes her easy to imitate. Cynthia would've been far better off playing Charo, who's personality isn't that far removed from Cynthia's, but she's at least a recognizable personality.

You don't know her so you have no clue how sincere she actually was in saying that. In my educated life, I like to actually witness several instances of a type of behavior before I paint someone as being THAT type of person.

I'm starting to wonder if the judges are as over this season as we are? Nobody is really lighting their fires, and they don't get to sit through an edit of these things. These bitches NEED to be told a thing or two AND the niceness is more of the RuPaul's Best Friend Race that's infiltrated every scene of this season.

It was not done well, which is why many people wonder.

It doesn't really matter. The fact is that Cynthia didn't SELL IT as a reference. When you are referencing something, it should be fairly obvious that you are actually making that reference. She referenced that fall like she "referenced" Sofia Vergara.

A+ review for a C+ episode. EXCEPT this: "Cynthia had a good run on two seasons of Drag Race". She lasted three episodes on her first season and four on this one. Her "run" on two seasons of Drag Race is equal to her drag: middling. OOOOOOH! Shady!

Ugh. Just, ugh.

Uh, skin color has nothing to do with the parents' skin color and everything to do with the genes within those people. Light-skinned black people can have dark-skinned babies. I have a nephew that is that color, and his parents are both lighter-skinned than Riz Ahmed, as are his brother and every single one of his

Yes, you bigot, ALL Palestinians are like that one example you pointed out, which was probably invented by Breitbart or some other brown-person-hating "news source" that bigots like you seem to believe for some troglodytic reason.

I don't think people are having problems with him "because he supports Donald Trump" as much as this is basically the kind of asshole that "supports Donald Trump".

What was that other attempt at hot-young-dudes-with-abs-and-oh-look-one-older-dude-who's-barely-on-this-shitfest? The A List? Gawd, what an atrocity. Mike Ruiz should be ashamed for agreeing to be the token on that show… though he had abs too. No bears allowed!

Her outfit WAS halfway decent. That was the problem. It wasn't all-the-way decent.

Santino was better at the fashion, for sure. Carson is very good at calling out the bitches on things they should be called out for, but he doesn't have the follow-through that Michelle has. And he's not bad at the fashion. Ross is atrocious at the fashion portion, though he's starting to grow a pair of balls as a

In lip-syncing AND in the fashion portion. Which is, what, about 75% of the show?

Toddrick was actually fine in his directing duties. I'd accept him there rather than in the judging, though I did like him tattling on Nina. Carson had a couple good ones, including his comment on Michelle's "bottle"-sucking.

I kept reading about an "EXPLICIT PHOTO" and it was a limp peekaboo shot.

As far as some of the "comedy" written for the queens, this was one of the best. And the songs weren't horrifying. So win/win.

WTF happened there? Roxxxy came back realizing what a bullying bitch she was and wanted to right her wrongs. Ginger came back, didn't give a shit, and apparently didn't even care about winning. Or maybe she walked in and saw the writing on the wall (that big signature saying Alaska Thunderfuck)!