
If I was a drag queen, I would NOT put in my tape for next year. Eureka is going to see how much of a bitch she came off as and she should be able to keep it in check. If she comes back with Roxxxy's attitude, and plays up having to leave, she could be a threat.

Oh, Charlie's hip was broke back in the Civil War, where people didn't lip sync, I tell you! GET OFF MY LAWN!

I like her, so shut up! She's had six Top 20 hits so there must be SOMEBODY else out there that likes her too! Because anyone that don't like "Lips Are Movin'" or "Like I'm Gonna Lose You" are just monsters. (Though I find it funny that she's just "promoting her album" when that thing has been out for a year, and it

And who's going to get the Breaking Down the Walls storyline? Nina done broke down her walls the first time she was asked a question! Valentina, Shea, Sasha and Alexis all seem pretty emotionally put-together, though Valentina is probably the one most likely to be called out for being a "cypher". Generrick Berry is a

Her lip-sync "skillz" got her the boot the very first time she had to LSFYL and she seems to have gotten worse. It's one thing to not know the lyrics to a song you just learned AND that you have never had the opportunity to ever hear, but to not know the words to one they gave you before you even came back? Shameful.

Alice, you're a stoopid, stoopid bitch.

Since it was a musical where they were playing real "human beings", Drag Race probably provided them with the outfits.

I don't think "they" had Fallon sing a lot. The host is involved in the creation process. Certainly some say, "Ehhh, do what you guys want to do." Others - like Louis CK last week - are way more hands on. Which end of the scale do you think Fallon was on?

It's understandable how anyone can not "get" transgender issues. All the letters in LGBT involve sex, but L, G and B involve HAVING sex and the T is about what sex that person actually is. I certainly could never understand changing my gender. That said, it's pretty repulsive of someone in a hated minority to hate

But what makes her so dark? I know nothing about makeup but I was watching Raja and I notice she does a really dark line under each cheekbone to make her make it look like her cheekbone stands out more.. Aja's dark area is under, on top of AND above the cheekbone. I think the bitch just don't understand what contours

Or maybe the show should just be fucking better? It's not like the comments section is filled with raves now, izzit?

They brought out something… first episode? Maybe the second.

Ugh! Though I will say that two things I totally predicted have come true: Eureka is going to be a Grade-A Bitch and Charlie will quickly go back to her coffin. Bitch ain't that old but she acts like she already dead! She had absolutely NO desire to win this thing, and that's the most annoying thing about her. Don't

Minors can be questioned by police without a parent present. If the minor asks for a parent - or a lawyer - then questioning must immediately stop. If the minor has been read his/her Miranda rights and is considered in "police custody", the minor must still request a parent or lawyer be present. Many police

No! Best Liv was horny Liv!

I'm fitty and knew it was Katy Perry. And not because I like her. Since her first album I swear that she runs every one of her songs through a KevyB Hatred Intensifier. This new one is fucking torture!

I WISH The Walking Dead was as fun as a proctologist appointment!

In some places, a 15-year-old girl could be a 40-year-old man's wife and it wouldn't be given a second thought.

Oh, gawd, I didn't even get the DA Baracus bit. And I did realize where Baracus actually came from.

And the number of deaths is shockingly high in Portland too, at least if Grimm is to be believed. The number of deaths in Vegas is also ridiculously high, according to CSI. But the ratio in Cabot Cove is the most ridiculous! A small town in main with only a few thousand residents, yet HUNDREDS were murdered, and