
I have to agree with the writer here. I HAAAAAAAATE these types of bitches. Arguments are fun. Stupidity is fun. Thinking your shit don't stink? Yeah, not fun.

Honey, it's not that kind to them on my computer screen!

Vegas has a long history of drag, with most drag queens working in the celebrity impersonator field. But it's never really been a hotbed of regular drag because the population is very transitory. I used to go all the time, so I knew a lot of the people in the gay community, and every time I'd go back I'd always get an

I'd believe it. All of her outfits look store-bought, and she just accessorizes around them. Especially in the headal area. That just requires ability with a glue gun and a pair of scissors.

Bitch ain't been doing drag for no 10 months. That little comment - true or false - is probably the biggest reason I'm not riding the Valentina train. If it was true, she should have said, "Well, I've only been doing it ONSTAGE for 10 months, but I've been practicing for way longer!" You know, less "Fuck you" that

Why does it have to be that it's jealousy? Is it not the slightest bit possible that maybe she just isn't connecting with the other queens? It has happened before. Part of Jinkx' problem - other than fucking bullies - was that she was insecure and was mentally separating herself from the other contesticles. There are

How "Violet Chachki was treated by the other queens"? HA! You mean how they treated her like the uppity bitch that she clearly was? HOW DARE THEY!

It can't be that long or otherwise they never would've gotten any confessionals from Phi Phi. They're always boys in the confessionals, so I would say they film them the following morning before they show up in the workroom for the next show. I don't think they can do it between the workroom stuff and runway because

You're on a TELEVISION SHOW. If you don't want to come off as entitled or vapid, then DON'T BE ENTITLED OR VAPID IN FRONT OF A FUCKING CAMERA. I'm tired of all these annoying bitches getting passes because of "editing". I can be an awesome asshole, but I think with cameras pointed at me, I'd be able to at least


Some people will say that Alexis is shady, but the first things out of her mouth in Untucked this week were how great the "safe" queens looked. And then she pointed out issues, which weren't really that numerous. Nothing she says comes off as malicious. It's constructive criticism, which most people in an artistic

No, it was shown in several episodes. Which I distinctly remember because I complained about it on a regular basis in here. I recall she was being lazy in a group challenge also. And another time she just threw together an outfit and spent the rest of her time kibitzing. I believe it was brought up in Untucked also.

Thorgy was bitchier about her problems, where Chi Chi was just whining. Whiners tend to be tolerated more than bitches. Though I called out Chi Chi on a weekly basis on these forums.

It's not just her bitchiness. Her stupidity and arrogance were featured in the workroom videos have been pretty intolerable. "I'm not as pathetic as you lowly bitches you have to MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES!" "Oh, how was I ever to know that we would be required to do something other than be pretty on this show??" Bye,

First off, there were no "winners of S7 Snatch Game". The dual winners were chosen by Snatch Game AND Runway, which is always the case.

I didn't realize it until I watched Untucked, but I thought the outfits were mostly forgettable during the runway. Then on Untucked Alexis is going on and on about how so many of the "safe" queens had such great outfits, and I realized in regular lighting that they all certainly looked much better.

You can't really see the queens' makeup until you watch Untucked. I was shocked to see how bad some of the makeup was when I certainly didn't get a hint of that during the show. I swear the lighting is more for the senior citizens on the judging panel than for the queens on the actual runway.

… and who weren't horrifying to look at. Creating a funny character WAS half the challenge so it SHOULD be rated highly. I didn't really see an outfit that was that spectacular.

She was sweet about it. But she was also absolutely correct.

99% of the people who watch this show on television have the capability of watching Untucked on YouTube. Views reach about half the television viewership, which is only slightly less than what it got on television. If it was getting the ratings Drag Race was getting, they wouldn't have canceled the television version