
It's time you learned that Kimora is annoying as fuck. If she decides to take her talentlessness, stupidity and self-involvement onto national television, then people are going to talk shit about her. Maybe you should have raised her better.

While I think she wasn't that funny in the workroom, her starfish killed. Writing down a bunch of funny words in a Mad-Lib isn't all that skillful - it's kind of like Match Game where genitalia is usually the best answer - but being able to sell those lines while you're pretending to be some odd animal? That's

And it often is!

Yeah, that being the exact kid we just met would be an annoying coincidence on any other show, so I feel it did happen for a reason. It does allow for the future storyline of the Z Team figuring out it was an inside job, then investigating Vivian, only to discover she wasn't part of it, and then they can all team up

They're also doing "Lost Boys", ANOTHER Rob Thomas show, so I don't think they want to piss him off. Besides, barring major drop-off, "iZombie" is the CW's second-highest-rated non-superhero show, so it's fine.

Though, let me just say that since 90% of their songs are about sex, outer space or sex in outer space, the natural direction to take this would be Orgy Pad.

ROFL, I was thinking that maybe he got himself into another really awful reality show! Though the last photographer wasn't Mike, was it?

Fuck you, you racist misandrist piece of shit.

What happened to the usual first challenge: The Photo Challenge? It is usually entertaining to watch, they put the bitches through some crazy shit, we get some alone time with each one, and taking pictures is something they should ALL be good at. They could've held off on the cheerleading until there were 8 or 10

I pickin' up what you droppin'. I've said that all along. Ginger was on track to be the first plus-sized queen to win this thing, and you KNOW Ru was ready to crown her. Nobody took that crown from her. She threw it away in Untucked. It wasn't some Grade-A level of bitchiness, but it was combined with a level of

She just seems like she never overthinks anything. Don't think about what the show might actually expect of you. Don't think about how to actually portray a floozy. Don't think about what your LSFYL will look like to the judges. Just go with the flow and it'll all work out. She seems to have a severe case of

If I was Wendy Williams, they'd have to drug and gag me to force me to do that ill-advised shit.

Okay, I'm not trying to be funny, but there's a Sasha?

It was hard to tell with Eureka unable to shut her fucking buffet-hole.

I think this week disproved the idea that lipsyncs are tailored for anybody. Ru clearly said that the queens were told this would be the LSFYL song before they even got to the show. I know they're told about all the themes for the outfits they will need - except for sewing challenges. I now think they're told all the

How exactly does a gay man - drag queen or not - NOT know how to do floozy? Over-the-top sluttiness is our fallback! Hell, RuPaul turns everything to sex and he's 112! I guarantee you every single person on that stage could've been told they were going to be Floozy 30 seconds before going onstage and they all would've

There's more to comedy than just SAYING funny things. Right?

Not the only one that thinks that. Keith Strickland calls it his favorite. And he was the one writing most of the music. Plus, HE FINE!

I know. It's my favorite song, which is the only reason I know this minutiae about it. Knowing the backstory makes me like it even more. I just picture them all 40 years ago - YIKES! - being young and playing music together. Makes me so happy.

Ehhhh, that ending was extremely anti-climactic. "Let's build up this major mystery and have a dozen possible suspects AND a dozen possible victims and then let's have the most obvious victim killed by the most random person that was never even a suspect! We're so clever!!!" (Though, strangely, I actually toyed with