
Okay, I've been bitching about the ridiculousness of the Coopers and the Blossoms, and now they decide to dial those bitches back. So I'm taking full credit for that. Yes, they read my posts and followed through! Very smart of them!

Imaginative? More like the exact opposite. The finale basically reached into the cliche bag and pulled out everything, ending with the most annoying ending ever created, "It was all just a dream!" Well, the fantasy/sci-fi/horror version of that. I fully expected Nick to start screaming, "It was a place, and you… and

Probably because 90% of these queens don't have the slightest ability to improv? Just sayin'!

Shakesqueer was a good idea, poorly executed. I loves me some queens failing acting challenges, but the writing was subsubsubpar.

Bitch got hurt at the Bowling Green Massacre. Get it right!

The thing with the mariachi look is that it was FEMININE mariachi, so it didn't come off as being expected, like all the Statues of Liberty. If you're going to do cliche, you need to PERFECT it.

When I see him in those bumpers, I want to REgift him.

I RARELY like Ru's outfits. He's a tall man, but thin. In drag she looks like a linebacker. She's had the same designer forever and I have never thought he does much for her. He's much more fashionable as a man.

I REEEEAAAALLLY liked when they split the contesticles into two groups. Half compete against each other in one episode; the other half in the following episode. It gives you more time with the bitches. This show is too in love with switching things up. They need to stick with things that work - like this - and stop

No, because bringing a bitch back has become an unfortunate staple of this show.

Just because they didn't announce it doesn't mean they didn't know it was happening. Primetime schedules are decided WAAAAAAY in advance. When the big networks announce their fall schedules in May, they've already decided where and when everything will go, which means the actual decisions were made before that. They

OMG, I still haven't gotten over that! I feel all my anger at her unfair dismissal was wasted! Bitch!

Yeah, but there are A LOT of queens ready to fight her for the next parachute! Charlie is doing herself no favors by acting like 52 is when you start tucking into Depends (and she was fucking annoying on Untucked this week). The other Vegas queen makes Derrick Berry look like the Quee-eee-eeen, Queen of Las Vegas

I so want to just hate her, but I do like the way she is in Untucked. Untucked is also doing wonders for Alexis, who hasn't gotten a ton of screentime on the show. Ooooh, girl is a cuuuuuute boy! And very level-headed, which is probably why she ain't getting a ton of screentime!

… and she would be PISSED to hear all of you saying this. Cuz in her mind, she's the BOMB.COM!

Now that it's on VH1, this is probably going to be how things are done. They'll probably have cameos all over the place so they can advertise those cameos. But they really need to either have the celebs judge a little mini-contest or mentor the queens in some fashion. Saying, "I just ran into her on the lot." is not

I think it was just one of those cases where Jaymes was clearly going nowhere in this competition, so why not dump her? Kimora won't win, but she will have highs and lows. Wouldn't it have been nice though to dump both of them and Ru call TWO previous queens to replace them? Unfortunately she already shot that wad

If they're trying to show that Ross is "the funny one", these bits are not helping. Furthermore, why THREE people? That limits the ability of anyone to go into any sort of detail. Besides, I go on YouTube and watch John Polley's Extra Lap Recap, Untucked, The Pit Stop AND Fashion Photo RuView. I don't need this tired

NO IT'S NOT! The "Love" in "Love Shack" is the type in the heart, not in the crotch. (Considering the group at the time all liked penis, there couldn't have been much of the physical love going on in heeeeere!) It's about a little cabin where Kate lived and the B-52s would go there to create music, and presumably play

Though the whole praying to do well is about as stupid as athletes who talk about how God wanting them to win. I believe that type of shit SHOULD be made fun of. How about just not doing it with stereotypical music next time?