
I agree, somewhat. With so many queens, it's hard to know who to root for this early, so it's actually a smart idea to fill the early episodes with challenges that are more fun to watch, which the cheerleading bit certainly was. But the early challenges should also be the types where each queen is given time to shine.

As for the B-52s, this isn't the first time a band member has "retired". Cindy was taking time off while they did Good Stuff, so she's not on the cover and she didn't do the tour. And, unfortunately, they've decided they don't sing any of those songs now that she's back. Which sucks, because it is their best album.

Yeah, Smith comes off as fake and way WAAAY into himself. But I think this level of rage 23 years later says more about her than about him or his lickspittle.

Okay, there is one major piece of stupidity in this whole "Because you were the least qualified." What the hell did that matter if they were going to shoot him anyhow? And why did they kill two of the branches of the government - have we heard anything about the Supreme Court? - if they were just going to shoot


That's the problem with only paying attention to the "news" sites that tell you exactly what you WANT to hear. Nobody tells you what you NEED to hear.

Good call on this guy being no Wentworth Miller. I kept wondering why he should SEEM better, yet he's just not. Couldn't they just pretend Darren Criss wasn't in the last episode and make him this Abra person?

Tolerance is a word meant for minorities. Political groups aren't considered minorities. Bigots are especially not considered minorities. And if you think people should be tolerant of bigots, then you need to get Agent Orange's tiny dick out of your mouth and wake the fuck up.

Oh, yes. Schwarzeneggar is awesome. Totally didn't destroy California. Certainly doesn't look like his Madame Tussaud's figure melted in disturbing ways. Everything about him is delightful: his adultery, his realistic hair, his man boobs, his inability to pronounce the state he as Governor of, 90% of his film career.

On tv! It's Sheba Perfect Portions. The tagline is "What cats want". They use the REO Speedwagon song, "Can't Fight This Feeling". YouTube some of those words.

Lawd, I always notice how unrealistically clean bathrooms are on television shows. Never any pee around the urinals. Never paper towels everywhere. Never a stall door that won't latch properly.

I thought of that. Always happened to me on Fucking Comcast. Say what you will about UVerse, but I see the end of every show… that appears before the ones I am actually taping! AND the beginning of the shows after the ones I am taping! Better than missing the end of the show I want to see, I guess.

The whole reason I read these recaps is to remember stuff I didn't see because I was on here reading recaps!

Obviously she understands it since it is spoken to her and she responds. But it's an obvious choice to never show her speaking English, except in that flashback. Which is kind of ridiculous when she's working in a tiny gift shop in the US.

I think judging has always been hit-or-miss with all the judges. I always give it to Michelle by default. Ross is usually way too positive, and I find that boring. Kissing their asses doesn't make them better. Plus, I still can't get beyond him saying that Kim Chi was the "future of drag". Because drag has never has

Okay, I don't watch this show anymore, but after seeing Whatever-El on The Flash I had to see what his dealio. Okay, I still don't understand, but I was captivated by the photo at the top. Has there EVER been a couple that look more like the real-life Barbie and Ken? They're both basically good-looking but in totally

Okay, I'm not reading the 268 - and counting - comments, but I watched Untucked and Eureka IS going to be annoying this year. Yap yap yap, and she seems like she's going to be quick to anger. And to start shit. Also, they included a bit at the end where some queens were fixing themselves in the mirror when they were

Bitch, you right! It's such a telling example that Ross's WORST lines were the ones quoted here. If I was Lady Gaga I woulda just slapped him. Ross is funny, but he seems to try much harder than Carson.

So you ONLY expect news stories that you can't find on any other site anywhere? Because all fucking news is repurposed, genius.

I'm sorry but if I read that they were adding Albert Tsai, I would be doing backflips. That kid was at least 50% of Trophy Wife!