
"Turn Tandy into a certifiable idiot"? He's always been one!

I didn't worry about that due to the sappy-ass music. Gawd, that scene was soooooo bad. They overplayed their hand. "Look how sad this is!" when all we're thinking is, "And keep them there!"

Plus, once again with Kiefer being on a show where every brown person is a jihadist? I don't think ANYONE would take that well. And I'm pretty sure Kal Penn wouldn't have taken that role. He's probably going to be made to look like he's got something to hide. Because, this is still a Kiefer show!

That's the only thing you can find wrong with the writing here? I mean, it's a fun show and all, but there's sharper writing on Nickelodeon.

Oh, I bet those are all over DC!

Man, Grant Gustin can DAYANCE! I recall him from Glee but that show apparently had a directing requirement of never spending five seconds not having a closeup of someone singing! Look, he's singing! This guy is singing this! This guy! Yeah, we get it, let's look at his entire body for maybe six seconds!

I am TRYING to be nice about that bit of casting. MAYBE he'll be fine. It actually took me a while to tolerate Joel's half-asleep acting style.

I'm with you. I'm not a fan of the comedy stuff. Watching bad or mediocre comedy just isn't entertaining, regardless of it being the point. So watching the barking of last week was fine, since we didn't get a lot of comedy. Watching him be inept at life is a lot more fun.

Right now is Season 5.

This is a show with character wandering around AND SHE DIED LAST SEASON! There's exactly nothing that says he couldn't die and stick around to annoy Norman. Or Norman could keep seeing him boning his mother in some visions. What would've been an actual spoiler had I said what Freddie Highmore looked like in the Tweet

Well, apparently I was right that Marion will be around for two episodes, I just missed which two.

Yeah, didn't she feel a little "Oh, damn, this ain't working. Let's ditch her!"

Yes, you can totally tell from my typing that it was a meltdown. You and Trump would make quite the team!

He can call himself black. Would you then call him black?

I can't count!

Come on. There was NO other way for it to go down.

Does it say something about me that I was excited when I recognized the bartender as the guy who feeds the cat with his pants down? I recognized his adorable dimples.

I know this is nitpicky but they really need to NEVER show Alba at work. I'm not buying that she could work there as a cashier with her limited English skills. Yes, it's Miami, but it's not just Latinos that would be staying at the Marbella. Half of Miami's 15 million visitors come from the rest of the US, most of

Well, there's only two more episodes so she has to show up in one of them, right? Why would this be somebody else, when they'd have to get used to that new person, and then immediately introduce Kristen Wiig in the episode after that? Also, Tandy and Todd JUST completed a trip to Akron, Ohio. I think in the time it

So when her fingers moved at the end of last week's episode, you thought it was a sure sign that she was dead? Or did you think she would get up, walk out with her bullet hole, climb into a car and drive to Napa? Because that "spolier" was equivalent to a title saying "Tandy and Carol are annoying…" or "Melissa is