
I sadly cracked up at him going for the spare.

They keep teasing me with Melissa running away, only for them to keep finding her!

So where exactly is this "remote Columbian office building"? District of Columbia? Columbus, Ohio? British Columbia? That's the only "Columbian" place that has any remote areas, though apparently most states have a town named Columbia. The ex-supercontinent Columbia would be very remote and the most interesting locale!

I think they had a major hint about that when the stuffed animal was destroyed. And the shrink scene underlines this with Celeste insisting that they don't know. Which is "television" for "Oh, not only do they know but it's affecting them in ways you'll soon see."

Don't call Schwarzenegger a conservative. Just because right-wing nutjobs like to label everyone left of Hitler as "liberal", it doesn't mean people on the left should do the same thing. Schwarzenegger leans left in many important categories - marriage equality, climate change, assisted suicide, pro-choice - which

She has to actually discover a crime first. I think they're just clumsily introducing her because she's going to be a thorn in his side after Marion Crane vanishes. Now whether she takes over the role of the Sheriff from Psycho at that point…

OMG, when she called it "Hardware" I actually laughed out loud. It's Bed, Bath and Not Much Beyond Except Paint.

Okay, here's the remaining episodes:

We've got kind of a Breaking Bad thing going on here. First we felt sorry for him. Now he's on the downward spiral to true villain.

There is no "transphobia" going on. He's not transitioning into a woman, he doesn't believe he was born a woman, he doesn't even know that he's pretending to be a woman! That's like saying that men who like to wear women's clothing are being transphobic. Or the members of Monty Python!

Of course, the show will draw out that process, totally allowing MacLeish and Lady MadLeish (seriously with the Macbeth?) to continue planning shit. Because heaven forbid the President just send him to Antarctica to get to the bottom of a serious situation going on down there.

Actually I think the writer here kind of summed it up nicely. For such an original premise, there has been little originality since. But the actors are selling it, and the writers and directors can sell a moment here and there, which does give us the occasional - yet predictable - thrill.

Yards are made up of feet!

Nobody thought the President would get shot because he was the only character who WAS NOT GOING TO DIE. It made for unsuspenseful television and those of us who have seen a television show in our lives thought the writers wouldn't do something so unimaginative. Obviously we were wrong.

Or… "it leaves Alex with even less to do, THANKFULLY."

But one good joke isn't enough to devote 30 minutes to! It's like SNL. That show is about 80% crap - on a good night - so I just watch the skits AV Club recommends.

I loved the Animal Planet version of Hoarders! Well it was called Animal Cops and it was all kinds of animal abuse and stuff, but almost every episode there was a cat-hoarder and that was always amazing! I will never forget this one where they go in the house and they pull out about 50 and someone remarks that there's

Go on a Princess cruise! They have a Love Boat channel. You will NEVER leave your room! (Especially when Charo shows up!)

ONE MORE TIME? That show does the same shit over and over and over! Honestly, how many times have they gone to the "How many times is too many? Then do it more than that!" well? Can anyone even count that high? Has that number been invented yet?

Maybe in other countries. In the US it's a bunch of witless 20-somethings you wish would just kill each other. (I'd watch the SHIT out of that show!)