
I used to not mind him either, but he's just created this "dude" character and he doesn't always come off as being a real human being. He always seems to be selling "the product". The more I watched "Triple D", the more of this I would notice, and he just started getting under my skin. I'd start yelling at the tv,

Ehh, compared to Kevin Can Wait, King of Queens was the Shakespeare of sitcoms. I don't think people would actively make fun of you for it. Man of the House? Of course! That thing with Joey? OMG, yes!

Pretty much every Nick show that isn't SpongeBob. Or Fairly Oddparents.

I think you are one of the few people here having an issue with it. The show has proven time and again that it's not that interested in reality. A DUDE LANDED THE SPACE SHUTTLE BY HIMSELF AND THEN FOUND HIS BROTHER WITHIN WEEKS! Science fiction doesn't have to create a world that is exactly like ours; it just has to

Beaucoup? Really? We've got hundreds of bigger-name American actresses willing to do tv. This was NOT about name recognition. Because if it was, it failed miserably. Dowton Abbey's finale got nearly 10 million viewers. This show could barely snag a tenth of that counting DVRs!

Very true. So that's the question. Will they? I think Norman sitting in the back of a police car looking insane is too rich an image for them to give up on.

Did you watch the episode? Cisco told him it was OLD computer technology. An ANALOG program to be specific. So exactly what the fuck does PIN technology of today have to do with shit that was created MORE THAN TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO? The keypad for that bomb was created by the same programs THAT EVERYBODY THOUGHT

I think the closeness is due to the fact that they're going to kill her and they need Nick to be torn up about it and seek revenge.

Good call on the Veronica stuff. Yes, it's nice to see she's not perfect, but give us more of a background as to why she's acting like such an annoying baby. Maybe fleshing out the relationship with both her parents would help.

Not a bad episode. I especially liked the thought put into Dr Wes-korki-en and all that. But there are still two problems that MUST be commented upon:

He seemed a little cagey. PLUS, they had written him leaving Philly BEFORE he signed on to do that pilot. I didn't even think about that until now.

True, but it's still not a multi-month task. It's also something that can be done in the copious down time while filming other things.

This isn't The Walking Dead, so knowing that stuff isn't really that important. This show ain't about the plot.

Yeah, he'll be captured. It's got to have some sort of ending and he's not going to realize he's mother, so the only option is his capture.

A 10-second clip is LITERALLY all that should ever be watched of Family Guy. Otherwise you are just being subjected to its repetitive nonsense and its shocks-instead-of-laughs formula. In other words, its manatee-writing.

It's not like these people are rocket scientists. "Hillary is a liar!" but if Agent Orange lies, "It's the media!" Sessions thought Bill Clinton's perjury was the worst thing ever, but his perjury "doesn't mean anything."

Unless she moved there to kill his ass.

OMG, you butthole! I was thinking that exact thing! It looks like he's one-third of the Triforce! Just waiting for Zelda and Ganon to show up with the other 2/3 and get this party started!

I didn't, but the main three guys wrote four of the ten episodes. That doesn't exactly add months to the equation.

Do we need to know how an office building is powered when nothing else is? Yes. Do we need to know how a millionaire's bunker that's sole purpose for existing is to protect people FOR YEARS from a viral apocalypse is powered? Hells no! They put visual Muzak on the television, I think we can piece together that they