
I don't think we'll be seeing much of Kristen Wiig. She isn't necessarily immune as she didn't have any real contact with people who were sick. If she were immune, they wouldn't have needed to invent the bunker. She could have just stayed in the mansion alone. The bunker is just her space shuttle and she's going to

They don't have too much time to sideline anyone because they still have to introduce Marion Crane, kill her, and then have the following investigation stuff which will lead to Norman's capture. That's at least two episodes - if we are to believe we're only getting Rihanna for an episode or two - and we've already

Okay, what the fuck was up with that damn yellow triangle sweater? It was so obvious that they were quite proud of that choice, and it annoyed the fuck outta me. Like when he was sitting there the camera had to be low enough to show all of it, which was odd. Is it from the comics? It looked like something Sheldon

If we don't have Cox in our area, we don't get their commercials. But I hate when they show commercials with one of the actors in it DURING the show. They used to wait until the credits played, but no more.

Spring to Summer? This show has been having 10-episode seasons for the past five seasons. That means AT MOST 10 weeks of filming. Filmed sitcoms tend to take five days. This show can probably beat that since so many episodes are shot in the bar. They most likely shoot scenes for several episodes there before shooting

This is Amurica!

Gawd, just reading this recap pissed me off all over again! ENOUGH WITH THE FUCKING SECRETS! It's easily the worst part of the show and THEY JUST KEEP DOING IT!!! THEY DID IT THREE TIMES IN ONE FUCKING EPISODE!!!

Because these women may be captains of industry, but they are still simply women, which means they are stupid and don't understand their actions! DUH!

You NAILED it! I watched it up until the season Suit Sr and Suit Jr broke up. It's when the show unfortunately revealed how it was constructed. "Character F will fuck over Character Q over something mostly stupid. Character F will apologize to Character Q in the final scene. We can then cross 'F apologizes to Q' off

Okay. Now is when I confess that:

This show is fun, but if it wants the melodrama to work it just needs to take it down a notch. Things that should be making us feel some sort of emotion are muted because there's just so much top-level ridiculousness throughout the episode. Mostly with the parents. We don't just have bad parents. We have Batman

That show is still fucking on? How many episodes do they need of people treating each other like shit and then apologizing for it in the final scene? We get it, Suits. You're all dickheads and you never learn from your mistakes.

Yes, but 75% of this episode didn't require his helping, so being an asshole 75% of the time is somehow more tolerable than someone trying to make people happy? Your home life must be delightful!

Barry isn't the computer guy, so him starting with a 0 would make sense.

This show just needs to stop with the moralizing. It's simply not good at it.

So what is it about Illinois Nazis that are worse than elsewhere-located Nazis?


Very well-stated. Casablanca is kind of the romance novel version of war, which is why so many women seem to like it.

So in this episode you think Harry was "better" than HR? Cuz he was an annoying piece of shit in the episode I watched.

Liking Casablanca doesn't mean you are a pussy. Obviously someone has seen ONE scene from it or that someone would realize it's a fucking war movie. Which I guess are now for pussies.