
I simply assumed they were going with the idea that most codes don't start with a 0. Because many programs - if not all of them - don't see it as a code, but as a number. There is no such number as 01832. Or 08389. That program would simply eliminate the leading 0 and recognize it as a 4-digit number. To combat this

Just because HR is a buffoon doesn't mean he's not a three-dimensional character. Hell, Harry's constant grousing is just the flipside of HR's constant caffeine high.

I never understood the numbers over letters anyhow. Letters don't necessarily mean one is preferable over the other, as long as they aren't given out in alphabetical order. Or maybe they could use numbers that represent something that is different on every Earth. Like countries. Chances are Tibet is recognized in some

And it would be horrifyingly dumb.

And he's writing about his mom having sex for the first time? How would he even KNOW that information? Is that a conversation parents are having with their kids nowadays? I entertained the idea of it being Mateo reading his mom's novel, but his reactions make no sense in ANY form of him "reading". Unless this novel

I had Showtime shoved down my throat after Masters started so I didn't pick it up. I have heard through friends that it was good in the first two seasons, and then got progressively worse.

Which would mean he's not only talking about his parents having sex, but is watching it. Well, he's watching what we're watching so GROSS.

Gawd, this show has been nailing it for so long that it's really rough to sit through such a bad episode. There was really very little to enjoy here. The porch swing talk was sweet and it's always nice when someone points out that Jane is wrong. The "proposal" was cute. The old-timey scenes were cute ONLY when they

No, because we are men and we don't ship!

My problem with this stuff is that Jose COULD become a better character but they are wasting too much time on characters that don't need it. What exactly is Reggie bringing to the table other than being the token Asian? It's not enough to just HAVE minority characters. Kevin serves a purpose. Now get to work on the

That doesn't exactly mean they won't do it, though. And that scares me. I was trying to ignore the stupidity of it and see what could happen AFTER that reveal, and I just couldn't figure out anything that worked.


Which would've made sense if it was a team thing. If it's a one-player thing, it's weird.

And then what do they do with Betty after that stupid reveal? And why would the bitchier characters ever not confont her with that? Especially, you know, Cheryl? If Betty had conveniently forgotten that she was Polly, then why the hell would her parents ever mention her name?

If "Polly" is just an alternative personality of Betty's, I'm done watching this. Cuz that shit is dumb as fuck! Also, why the hell would everyone else refer to Polly as an entirely different living human being? There's just too much that would have to be explained away for this stupid shit to work.

Ooh this could get messy
But you don't seem to mind
Ooh don't go telling everybody
And overlook this supposed crime

You mean, like a TEENAGER?

Is it possible to do an upvote and a virtual slap at the same time? Cuz you deserve both!

I'm with ya. It's still on the table whether Josie is an interesting character at all, so it's nice to see one of the Pussycats take the mantle.

To be fair, "sick" is how rich people also refer to mental illness. I'm hoping it's all a misdirect cuz that shit's a little obvious.