
You mean like EVERY non-Diggle relationship on this show?

Ugh! I wish some villain would just come and castrate everyone! Tthe ony romance currently working on this show is Diggle's, and that's basically because his wife is rarely allowed any screentime!

Since Samara from the Ring franchise comes out of screens, this one can be Grimmara.

Maher isn't all that "left". Like this yutz, he's more of a provocateur that holds a lot of leftist views. That antivax shit is most decidedly NOT lefty thinking, BTW. He has a fairly disturbing view of Muslims that's still this side of the saliva-spraying rightwinger, though. He doesn't believe the government should

That's the same as saying T-Rump is hated by both the right and the left. Both still have major followings, so saying otherwise is just stupid.

Shitty ones, yes.

I can live with that explanation. Mostly because I'd like to think when they wre reimagining all these characters they didn't go "Josie… hmm… Strident Black Girl!"

And what is it he "can wait" for? A decent role?

I thought Oliver's lecture was lame. Mostly because his position was that Girlfriend was a "real" journalist. meanwhile the show never bothered to show us that. Especially not when she was first introduced. She sucked. And then she reveals all this investigating she's been doing on her BOYFRIEND, which is just creepy.

And marriages!

My fear too! That dude is just so hunky! And that romance would be rife with drama. That I have NO interest in seeing.

The kid they got to play New Mateo is fantastic! Makes me hate both Lilys from Modern Family even more!

Okay, I was afraid of watching an hour of Michael-sorrow. Finally watched it a week late. I should've trusted the showrunner, who has made few mistakes in plotting this show out.

"Bel Panto"? Really? Maybe half of that.

Being a voice on a mediocre show is still better than being an actual face on a really shitty show. Would you rather have a few scenes on a less-than-stellar Simpsons, or a few scenes on any episode of Kevin Can Wait?

Thank you! I was trying to figure out what was wrong with the episode. The levitating car really bothered me but I couldn't define the problems in my head. Had they carried through with the narration, "Bart! Rod and Todd did NOT levitate a car!" "Jesus levitated it THROUGH them!" Not only would it have made the silly

Actually I thought the worst part of the episode was a part not mentioned: an apparently-tiny part played by a name actor - Christine Taylor - which means guess who's the killer! They were almost pretty clever by casting another name - Kathy Najimy - as her client, but the show set up too early that she wasn't going

Have you actually seen Pete Holmes's act? He's NOT clean. He's not even "largely clean". His recent HBO special had the usual "dirty" jokes about sex, strip clubs, porn, and a "Fuck" every other minute or so. Maybe the best term is just that he started out as a clean comic.

Which is really why this article is so damn dumb. For anyone to be objective about this is impossible, so just don't pretend that objectivity is actually happening and then make up a bunch of stupid shit to back up your lack of anything resembling a fact.

I'm totally down with stupid white people being called out on their White Privilege. But she's "friends" with the stupidest, most-White-Privileged bitch in school, and goes after poor Archie for HIS White Privilege? The whole thing just rang so false, like "Hey, I know how we can give Josie a personality!" Had Cheryl