
Wow, hated by the left AND the right. Is that even possible nowadays?

Really, AV Club? We can't have SIX more recaps before the show is gone? Won't be long until you erase the last reason to come to this site.

It's being directed at the losers who love him. So they will give him all the answers he wants, and then he will produce the pre-determined "results" in a 45-minute rant about how "the people" hate the mainstream media too! And then he will be shocked when the mainstream media keeps ignoring his "facts".

They're tertiary characters. Tertiary sitcom characters tend to be one-dimensional. Like the fifty or so tertiary characters on The Simpsons. In fact, the more characters in a show, the more likely the tertiary characters will be one-dimensional. Archer's biggest tertiary characters are probably Woodhouse and Slater,

Awwww… you reminded me of Arrested Development! Good job, you!

NBC should be happy that SOMEONE is talking about them.

So Adele's entire new album has one good song and a bunch of mediocre shit that, if anybody else sang it, would be forgotten immediately AND SHE GETS A GRAMMY FOR IT?

It's great that Josie & The Pussycats are black. It's racist as fuck for them to claim that rich white people have direct access to musical careers, and only black people have to work their musical asses off. Especially when all we've seen is Archie's path blocked at every turn while they apparently don't even have to

There is absolutely nothing that Vanessa Bayer can do that somebody else couldn't do better. Except smile awkwardly. She OWNS that move!

Still not the point. The target here is Agent Orange, not Bannon. And, in case you haven't noticed, Agent Orange doesn't dismiss ANY slight against him. If SNL put an orange cat on the Oval Office desk, we'd be seeing the outraged tweets shortly thereafter. Nailing the character means nothing at this point.

Wow, just so fucking stupid.

Please! 9/11 happened because Republicans cut the terrorism budget. Knowing that, the main reason Bush got reelected was because they played the terrorism card.

To think getting a more beloved celebrity will change the mind of any of T-Rump's Bottom Boys is foolish. Not even a Jennifer Lawrence-level celebrity will divert them from their path of bigoted righteousness. To sway anybody, the message has to be in the writing, not in the performer.

Not the point. T-Rump wants everyone to admire him for his supreme intelligence and severe manliness and simply cannot deal with the fact that many don't. So SNL skewering HIS man - in any way, shape or form - will be seen by that narcissist as a slam on him. That's a win/win.

Wow, that was just so… mediocre. The Sandlot bit was pretty good, though it went on far too long. The Ocean's 11 bit was funnier and was paced better. But the Indiana Jones shit was sooooooo unimaginative and not funny. This show always has bits that fail, but the main bit of the show? Not good. Especially when it's

Excellent review. This repetition has always been this show's weakest point, and it's been in full force this season. I think all this secrets-that-shouldn't-be-kept shit has seemed even worse this year because Team Arrow fell into this crap for awhile also. Every week half the plot was a new secret revealed and new

How dare you not goosestep in tandem!

For the people complaining about this turn of events, and especially those threatening to stop watching: YOU are the reason so much network television sucks. Too many writers try to figure out what will please you, rather than creating EXCELLENT television.

Yeah, I don't think America needs more about how straight black people should get to fuck whomever they please but black gay people should just focus on their skin color.

(Hey, Repussycans LOVE them some namecalling. I've decided I'm just going to do what they did for the past 8 years. They clearly THINK namecalling is hurtful, as evidenced by how much they spit when they do it. Call one a vagina-having bigot and watch his skin turn a color that will get his fellow goosesteppers to