
I'm hateful of SOME people, that's for sure.

Yes, calling someone T-Rump's Bottom Boy OBVIOUSLY leads to me wanting one of those pussy bitches of my own. With that kind of "logic", you must be one of them! (So, is it really big, like he was saying? Or was it just another pathetic lie?)

I dunno. Vets can rake it in. Though one could assume that was his family home that he inherited.

I just realized that the makers of Superstore and Jane the Virgin must HAAAAATE their stars. Remember that mixup from the Golden Globes two or three years ago when they kept referring to Gina Rodriguez as America Ferrera? So tell me it's just "coincidence" that both shows had these women cut their hair short FOUR DAYS

Who needs to die to make THAT happen????

They didn't want to scare you about the 24-hour killer you had until he either went back in his hole or was killed by a hippowesen.

I would assume they kept the ring for continuity purposes. A man can wear a wedding ring for all kinds of reasons that aren't wedding-related. An unnecessary wedding ring actually raises fewer questions than a wedding ring that suddenly disappears.

Ehhh, that's crap. 13 episodes shouldn't have so much unnecessary bullshit in them. The first few episodes raced by and now they are giving us monster-of-the-weak cases they should have given us two seasons ago. I think they were given more episodes than they needed so they're coasting until they get to their endgame.

He gets paid far less than the other actors but he has that shirtless clause to make up for it.

He could've been considered a Howard Hughes-like recluse in his "later" years. The part that is actually harder to fathom is how he comes out of that park instead of some land he would own in the middle of the forest somewhere. You know, somewhere where the police didn't notice a missing person AND a big fresh hole in

Yes, because he feared what your racist brethren would do with that "October Surprise". Yes, it was stupid to not go ahead and do it. But in the stupidity wars involving Osama bin Laden, he got his ass kicked by the Masters of Stupid, the Repussycan Party, who had to play catchup after dropping the ball so

And they can't take 100 square feet of those mile-long caverns and turn it into a damn guestroom?

Yeah, most Diana scenes just seem off to me. Like they're trying to keep her involved in the story until it's time for her to kill again, but they don't know what exactly to do with her. They basically now have Eve and Mini-Eve wandering around annoying us. Except one's a better actor…

A week behind now, but I thought the new episode brought a better wig. Not great, but it clung to her head more like the original wig did.

According to the places he has lived, Portland must pay their precinct captains exorbitant amounts of money! Or did he get a royal settlement that I don't remember? Because, if that is the case, then why didn't THAT come up in his mayoral election?

The Bottoms is amazing. I read both Mad Dog Summer and The Bottoms and don't remember them being all that similar, but I read the novella long after I read the book, so maybe I had just forgotten a lot about the book by that time. Let us know what you think.

I think it's semi-important to read them in order. Hap's mentality changes in the later books and it's a slow change that you really see formulating from book to book.

I must say that this was pretty masterful. Michael's death was totally foreshadowed. I honestly expected it before they ever had sex, just to keep the title correct. When that didn't happen, I forgot about it. Even their pukey happiness didn't really trigger anything in me, and anyone being happy for too long on this

Not to be mean, but what show have you been watching? There's been adultery, an abortion, a baby kidnapping, a woman putting her sister in a coma, and - at last count - 487 breakups! Several people have died. AND MICHAEL WAS SHOT. This show LOVES its sad. When two people have been happy for a good two episodes in a

I'm not surprised that O'Lie-ly isn't backing down. Hannity was the one thrilled to be T-Rump's personal Bottom Boy. But what's his play? Is he pissy at T-Rump? Does he see that the future of Faux News relies on not becoming the televised version of Frightfart? Or is he actually remembering the day back when