
That's my favorite part of all these rasict imbeciles. Not a one of them has an original thought so they just mimic what the Grand Wizard is saying AND THEN THEY ACT LIKE THEY'RE BEING CLEVER! You know damn well the face they are making as they one-finger peck that shit out. Like they're the white Wayne Brady!

Starting shit with them? Every country in the world is going to hate us by the end of the year!

BULLFUCKINGSHIT! Clinton was alllll over al Qaeda! Clinton routinely bombed al Qaeda camps! Bush and the Repussycans took over and they IMMEDIATELY took anti-terrorism completely out of the budget. Nevermind that terrorists had already bombed the World Trade Center in 1993. Or that every year leading up to 9/11 there

And bigotry!

Bullshit, you fucking racist piece of shit. Historically, the NUMBER ONE country at risk for sending terrorists is Saudi Arabia, which supplied us with FIFTEEN of the NINETEEN terrorists who committed 9/11. Osama bin Laden was a Saudi. His top deputies and one of the other 9/11 terrorists were Egyptian. Why aren't

It's Budweis, the German name for České Budějovice in the Czech Republic. (In German, food that comes from a city just gets an -er at the end. Hamburg begat hamburgers, Wien (Vienna) begat Wieners, Frankfurt begat frankfurters, Berlin begat berliners (a pastry, and not - according to JFK - someone from Berlin). Hence,

Which now explains why they have gone away from the German names and are now giving us ones with SPANISH names.

Well I figured that's what the bangs were for, but she had long hair so all she needed was a new haircut, right? That's not a new haircut. Maybe it was just a clumsy way of reminding us of the tattoo. But her boyfriend recently came into some money so you'd think the first thing he could do would be to spring for

It'll be used like crepe!

You got me there!

That's why it's infinity. Because he could NEVER make it better.

Yes, but it would've still been more interesting than everything else they've been doing with Diana. She's like a robot. Enter room. Say something weird. Walk out. Wow, what great plot development!

That's my biggest problem. If Kevin makes a Montgomery Clift line to Betty, it should come off like we know they watch old movies together, not that a writer is feeling clever and wants us to know it. It's especially awful when two girls who just met are making years-old references to each other WHEN THEY'RE

Sorry, I forgot about the quotes! How utterly Orson Welles of me!

The "truthiness" came more about how it chose to ignore facts that didn't jibe with its predetermined Edwin-Meesian storyline, much the the dismay of people who thought they were being interviewed for an impartial documentary about their dead friend.

So is there a pool somewhere where we can all make bets as to when T-Rump will kill the last good thing? I would've guessed sometime next year, but at this blistering pace, I'm thinking of picking somewhere between Easter and Memorial Day…

This episode was either exposition or Diana being Diana - coming in and figuring something out that otherwise would have involved an actual interesting scene. How is it more interesting for Diana to say Rosalee has more than one baby in her than having them figure it out at the OB-GYN? In fact, how about they don't

If we could cut the clever pop-culture references by AT LEAST 50%, I could stop cringing every three minutes! How is it these teenagers know every single celebrity since the talkies started? I barely fucking know who Montgomery Clift is! I certainly wouldn't be able to pick him out of a lineup, unless I was going by

History has proven that advertisers fear the word "boycott" but when it comes to actual boycotts, liberals have proven they are the ones who do boycotts right. Ask Coors, whose beer is STILL not served in 95% of this country's gay bars, no matter how hard they've tried to rectify that costly situation. Liberals

If a friggin' kid doesn't die, then who cares?