
You seem like a Miranda.

Unless I'm remembering this incorrectly - due to PTSD from the incident - but didn't she basically wake up as Juliette in the finale? I had completely forgotten until Nick is all confused and asks, "Eve?" Which, to me, meant that they were dispensing with that Juliette nonsense.

Correction: The FIRST season of his sitcom was in the realm of great. The second season was okay, with a deep dive into fucking atrocious (the sitcom plot). That was sooooo bad and soooooo endless, I kept hoping the show would be canceled WHILE I WAS WATCHING IT! And I was watching it on my DVR!

What are the choices in the "Sex & the City" character nonsense?

I was actually thinking that Adalind's daughter would be 16 soon!

Or the astronauts in their diapers who refuse to pull over and sleep!

It's gone this season. Maybe one joke with a picture.

It's a little difficult to totally climb onboard when I JUST watched an episode where Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy were forced to climb onto a tandem bicycle for a fauxmantic ride through "Paris" right after Marion Cotillard was forced to lipsync an Edith Piaf song… in other words, Graham Norton is gimmicky as

Not only are geese assholes, but they're about one rung up from turkeys on the stupidity scale. I was sent somewhere to be "trained" for two weeks and it was in America's asshole (Oklahoma) where there were two things to do outside the hotel room: go to the gym or feed the geese. So I started taking popcorn out there

This episode just confused me. I came here for some understanding and apparently there is little of that to be found. Now I just want it to be over.

I can't believe this season is going to be 13 episodes because these first two episodes seem like the beginning of a storyline that should be wrapped up in one or two more episodes. The stakes are so high now, I can't see them dragging this out for 11 more episodes! This does not bode well…

You are correct! Maribeth Monroe from Workaholics.

Or maybe he just won't do it, because he doesn't know where they are going and if he murders Janet, Jason and OF Eleanor could be stranded. He doesn't much care for Jason, but Michael luuuuvs him some OF Eleanor.

The Simpsons was actually making fun of it.

Kind of like Republicanism?

STILL? Was it ever NOT lame?

They've haven't been terrible. Every song is now just a retread of "Under the Bridge" or "Give it away" or "Californication". Unoriginal isn't exactly terrible. More like meh.

It's called comedy. If the joke is going to be made, it has to be at SOME artist's expense. And Red Hot Chili Peppers was awesomely random. Saying Nickelback or Justin Bieber is pretty obvious, no?

The last time I checked, the sun was in space.

The rippling of that would explain a lot, but then The Good Place should be teeming with ethics professors.