
Or the heart symbol. They allow that in California (also, hands, stars and pluses). But only 6 characters beyond the symbol.

Yeah, I don't.

She may have been a cannibal in Parks & Rec.

And yet, still a question. It's nitpicky, but "I am SOOOO acing this test!" would have been a better lead-in to that.

She was a personal medium.

Cuz there's only 13 total episodes. Even if it was totally tanking, they don't have a lot of them left.

I'm a little clairvoyant myself and I'm going to say Maribeth Monroe from Workaholics!

Yeah! You'd think for people to really rack up the points, they'd have to be really old. Tahani's goodness is ridiculous, but how exactly did Chidi get so many points at such a young age?

Actually they've never settled on one spelling. "Whippits" or "whippets" are nicknames for whipped cream chargers, the metal cylinders that release the nitrous oxide. Whip-It is one of many brands of charger, but most people spell it as "whippet" because that's what it sounds like, as most people who do whippets are

Considering they are two non-gay dudes and the preferred term is Same-Sex Marriage, let's go with that, ummkay?


Y'all don't get your hopes up! She's played by the girl from Workaholics. Or do, if you like the girl from Workaholics.

The point system is obviously arbitrary and not the slightest bit mathy. Ending Slavery would earn you more than 800,000 points. Bringing Own Bags to Grocery Store is nearly 2000 points. Purifying a Water Source in a Village isn't even 300 points. So why wouldn't Stop Ruining Paradise net a million?

Oh, gawd, Closed Captioning is often hilarious, especially with names. The networks DO tend to have scripts for their Closed Captioning, but those aren't based on what is actually said, but what was in the script. So names for network shows tend to be correct, but what is actually being said is off. Meanwhile on shows

"all our favorite characters"! That's hilarious! I had one favorite character and that video shows him falling down. Period. Then end.

You wanna really cry? Watch the dancing!

I loved the bit where he's watching that hurricane news story and we're all thinking "Here's how the dumbass died", and then we cut to the dumbass, who's appropriately sad, only to tell Janet he was watching the greatest moment of his life. And it STILL may have been how he died!

But not as bad as watching Joey and Rachel get together!

She said "fantastically" obnoxious. Not "assholishly".

Wasn't #5 the one where they fucking destroy Rio de Janeiro for no fucking reason? Cuz that was EASILY the dumbest shit ever! Dumber than flying cars out of airplanes, or between buildings or whatever boring shit they did to them in #2. Our "heroes" create billions of dollars in damage to the only city in Brazil where