
Come on! All Toto wants to do is wake up in the morning and see your eyes!

(No, it WAS the joke.)

Does Jason have needs and thoughts of HIS own?

It was on purpose. Thanks for noticing.

The way AbFab was aired - much like Sherlock - you really couldn't call them "a series". That would be like calling Barbara Walters specials "a series" that ran for a million years.

Easily my favorite episode so far! Maybe 2017 won't be so horrendous after all!

NO! I hate that every damn sitcom wants everyone paired up! How about everyone just decides they love each other AS FRIENDS and then Michael spends NEXT SEASON trying to find everyone's soul mate (guest stars galore!) and nobody fits together and they just all be besties FOR AT LEAST NINE MORE SEASONS! No movies.

I love this show, but I think this is the first episode where every single character got to shine. Even the three non-regulars.

How long before we get the behind-the-scenes tell-all? Cannot WAIT!

How dare you talk that way about our future President! You should be treating him with the respect Republicans showed Obama when he was elec—-

Part of the problem nowadays is people watch Fox News and are told their bigoted thoughts are "just another side of the story" and anyone who says differently is "just being ridiculously politically correct!" There are far too many white people who are informed of their bigotry who then go to other white people who

Psst… The Asian man got beaten to death on AMC.

"Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" higher than "Jane the Virgin"? "Documentary Now!" higher than "You're the Worst"? "Westworld" higher than "Game of Thrones", neither of which even deserve to be on this list? 29 things higher than "Last Week Tonight"? No, AV Club. Just, no.

This show just excels at the the inner lives of these characters. Instead of having sitcom responses, the characters here seem to respond in realistic ways. Like tonight when Ozzie and Gina figured out they were on the ship together. Not only was there the amazement that they both met each other decades ago, but the

I've come to the conclusion that true horror just isn't possible in series format. Dread is something that must build and that just won't happen with commercials and a week between episodes. So these shows have to rely on the jump scares, creepisness and gore. That's basically what Hannibal was about. It certainly

Something that can be said about 90% of what's on television, no?

Good list… except for Michelle Dockery's Americanish accent (accent DO count in evaluating performances), Katy Mixon (who's not even the best performer on her crappy show), and the THIRD-best drag queen on All-Stars ("Anusthing is possible!). But 3 missteps out of 35 is actually really good for an AV Club list!

When the preview showed the victim in the operating room? And which got filmed immediately following the filming of this episode. The chance of them not knowing who was getting shot is the same chance that The Walking Dead will ever be good again.

There are so many more intelligent paths to take here. And we are allegedly dealing with intelligent people, who managed to get a bomb shelter secretly built into the Capitol Building, got the main suspect killed in prison, got a major FBI guy to take the fall for it, figured out exactly where Hannah was within

Actually the term "Suspension of Disbelief" refers to the expectations of the WRITERS, not the viewers. It states it is up to the WRITER to create a believable world which then ALLOWS the audience to suspend their disbelief at whatever ridiculousness is thrown at them. It's been bastardized in the modern world by