
Who got shot might matter if that person was going to die, which most likely won't happen. It's got to be someone important enough to show all the surgery nonsense, so a boring family member is a good choice. That said, I'm going with Emily. A show that ends the last episode with a ridiculous car accident isn't going

Ugh! If the people writing this show had any sense, they would've realized many episodes ago that Robert was going to be the "likable" character and Frances was going to be the "unlikable" one. Then they could've mined her constant humiliation at his hands and it could've been a darkly funny show. Now they've turned

This show had three movies before it, discounting the remake. One was "too serious". One had a disembodied hand smacking a man about, laughing furniture and an eyeball flying into a woman's mouth. And one had a bunch of tiny Ashes fighting a big Ash and a friggin' skeleton swordfight. The Evil Dead left serious a long

Dear Rob Tapert,

Okay, I've seen Hairspray six times. Once on Broadway. Twice with Harvey Fierstein. Once in a local production filled with questionable actors. And the movie, which would have been great had someone told John Travolta to just STOP. And I would say this was EASILY the worst version I have seen.

So I got the majority of an episode without you-know-who? NOT ENOUGH! Gawd, at least Mad Men had large chunks pretending she didn't exist.

Sorry but I still have huge problems with how CW the Arrow team is. They all whine about Oliver, one learns something about Felicity, one learns something about Oliver, now we have marital issues. And over on Flash this one is turning evil and that one is mad at Barry and this one is mad at his dad and OMFG can't we

Hey! Don't throw facts back at a Repussycan! They only understand FEEEEEELINGS!

Yeah, because some of us are so obsessed with either our guns or our racism (or both) that we've totally ignored the fact that the last Repussycan president almost bankrupted this country, got us into wars we are STILL not out of (and which also created ISIS, so good job there!), forced us to pay billions upon

What he settled on is a $5000-a-month paycheck from The Heartland Institute, a NON-scientific "think" tank that has been at the forefront of climate-change denial, and who owns a whopping THIRTEEN "scientists" who rage against anything the Institute pays them to rage against. (Among their "expert" climatologists are

Unlike Breitfart or the Repussycan party, AV doesn't claim to be scientists, so they actually put up video of an actual scientist. It seems weird how Trump's cock in your ass seems to affect your intelligence. It MUST be big, poking you right in your itty-bitty brain!

Well, the "Next Week" showed them kissing, so that's a pretty good guess. It also showed Hannah at whatever outdoor speech Kirkman was giving, so clearly you are correct in it being a stall.

Your math didn't survive the new timeline. This was Episode 9. Four remaining episodes is correct, though.

I, for one, WON'T entertain arguments about The Wiz or The Sound of Music having better soundtracks. And I like them both! Both those shows have some clunkers, The Wiz more than SoM, yet Hairspray has none. The Sound of Music has too many songs that don't service the plot or characters. (Yes, The Lonely Goatherd is a

Nothing about his great villain on iZombie, but how many words about a one-episode Community role?

"If Trump sells out, it's not our fault."

Because right-wingers aren't funny. DUH!

Wow! A bunch of characters I don't care about killed a bunch of characters I care even less about! So which one of the producers is secretly Michael Bay?

I'm a little lost as to why Issa needed to apologize for anything. She halfass suggested Molly should maybe possibly THINK about talking to a therapist and then Molly turns into super-asshole (because default mode for her is apparently regular-asshole). It's not exactly like she suggested Molly check out the KKK or

I don't read the comics and I still figured it out right around the first scene he appeared in. Honestly, new random people on this show are either love interests or villains, and he was no love interest.