
This show is lazy as fuck. The last episode was the only one with anything resembling a plot. Denise and the deputy are straight out of a sitcom writer's head, only less funny. Evie, for being head honcho of witch-killing, never learns from any of her really stupid mistakes. And Stan, the supposed highlight of the

The whole thing started feeling so Lostish that I stopped even trying to figure out anything. The whole season should've been at least two episodes shorter. That way we wouldn't be seeing so much sameness in two of the storylines - Dolores's and the Man in Black's. That's HALF the show which has had very little

Dockery is good at the acting, but ugh on the "accents". Whatever the main one is supposed to be, it drives me bonkers. It's especially bad in the more dramatic scenes when her r's disappear and her vowels hang around way too long. Why couldn't she have just been a British person who is living in the US? Some of them

This is my FAVORITE thing about the so-called "liberal" media. They are so desperate to not appear that they are taking sides that they ever call things what the rest of us call them. They'll comment on episodes of bigotry - N——- this and F——- - but never call them actual acts of bigotry. The furthest they will go is

He won because bigots.

Because there are obviously a lot more bigots in this country than was originally thought.

And Twitter has the right to get rid of whoever the fuck they want, right?

Now if she'd just be suspended from breathing…

Plus, it's a lot easier to mimic a few lines in a foreign language than it is to do hundreds of lines in accented English. A few lines can be gone over repeatedly right before that scene is shot. An accent requires way more prep and understanding.

Typo alert! I'm sure you meant to say January Jones was giving a D-grade performance.

They could spend the last two episodes trying to piece Pablo back together, since he is the Book of the Dead and that obviously hasn't been destroyed.

This just goes to prove my theory: People Taking Drugs in Comedies RUINS the Comedy. Honestly, if Bob's Burgers can't make that funny, then nobody can.

Can California just become a Candian Province instead? I don't really want to move.

Yeah. The Josh story was lame, his song was all right at best - a good style for him but the lyrics weren't all that - and ANOTHER girlfriend? Getting unexpectedly drugged is NEVER a clever plot twist, regardless of whether it leads to ballerinas. And regardless of how many people want to believe a Valencia/Rachel

Lawdy, she may SAY she's a feminist, but she puts absolutely no effort into being one. Her life is all about men, every scene she's in wouldn't pass the Bechdel test and she puts absolutely no effort into her job. She's like a Republican feminist!

Exactly! Last week's Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, which gets HALF the ratings this show does, has 490 comments on TV Club's recap page. Last week's Frequency has 19. NINETEEN!

But it doesn't have the excitement to make anyone WANT to binge it. It's a fine show… I'm still watching it after having dumped all but four of fall's new shows. But it's a little plodding at times, and is anyone really in love with any of these characters? I find myself appreciating the acting more than the actual

You're talking apples and oranges. The 100 and iZombie were never meant to have 22 episodes their first seasons. They both premiered in March, and there was no way in hell they were going to extend them into summer. That's not how midseason replacements work.

What channel are you watching? They advertise this ALL THE TIME.

It won't. This thing can't even get a million people to watch it on regular television. Even lower-rated Netflix shows, like "With Bob and David", did nearly three times that.