
Everybody should probably enjoy this while they can. The CW didn't order a back nine, meaning this season is done after 13 episodes (January). After that, it goes straight to Netflix, and barring a shocking amount of interest there, it goes bye-bye forever.

Man, I just so hate Molly right now. To a level that I will NEVER like her again and I hope the rest of the show is her getting her heart broken repeatedly. Can she just become the phone-a-friend-once-an-episode and can we instead follow Jared around?

Rafael's body has gotten disgusting. And not in the jealousy definition of the word. When someone gets abs like that, it means he's not eating enough! Non-athlete men have an ideal body fat percentage between 14-17%. Less than that and you're starving yourself. Manorexia is NOT attractive.

I'm feeling broken-recordish, but January Jones' mediocrity sunk to new levels this week in the Shawshank scene. That chick does NOT get comedy. Or acting. It seems pretty obvious the writers agree as she is given the least to do every week. Why don't they just Becky Conner her ass and bring in Sarah Chalke without

We shall see. He'll have a receptive Congress and Supreme Court now.

Fuck you, bitch.

Okay, the general premise is that the Capitol, a gigantic building, had A BUNCH OF BOMBS snuck INSIDE THE MOST SECURE BUILDING IN AMERICA and ONE MAN SURVIVED by hiding in a SECRET BOMB SHELTER that was NEVER DISCOVERED AMONGST THE RUBBLE!!!

No. We have to build a new Capitol building.

Or ship out twice as many black people.

After seeing those assholes in action, I wished the bullets had won!

There is a difference between making a decision and finding out it was the wrong one and being inept.

The whole Governor thing was stupid. All he had to say was, "What you think of me is immaterial, bitches. I'm the fucking President. Get me some Senators and some Congressmen or we will start passing laws without your states being involved. If NONE of you do what's required of you as Governors in this country, then I

"Listen to me, Dad! FIND! HIM! AND! KILL! HIM!"

I also thought Satch seemed like the Writers'-Room-obvious choice for Nightingale, but I don't think you go and get Mekhi Phifer for one season. Also he's kinda the link between the two timeframes, so killing him or sending him to prison would completely change next season. Yeah, he could appear only in Daddy's

Naw, watch her episodes of You're the Worst again. Or Burning Love.

This show exists solely to show what an expert job they're doing over on Ash VS Evil Dead. The scripts seem to be written like this: "Okay, somebody come up with five good Stan lines. Someone else come up with a character who can explode. Then someone create some scenes around them. Oh! There goes the recess ball. I

Actually, it was rude but it wasn't strawmanning. Because it's not a show about liking people. It's not a heroes-and-villains drama. It's a comedy - like Parks & Recreation or 30 Rock or The Office - where characters are BOTH likable and unlikable. It's not really a brand new concept. MASH, The Bob Newhart Show, The

Wow! When I watched that scene between Todd and Melissa, I was thinking something totally different. Namely that it might have been an actually affecting scene if January Jones could actually act. And that's not just troll. I actually thought that during the scene and said OUT LOUD, "How can ANYBODY think she can

Because those lyrics were so hard to understand and just write down? Hell, I could write it down right now and I haven't the song in years!

Voting for ANYBODY is compromise. Who believes in any politician 100%? Your argument is tactically incorrect.