
The twist wasn't this week! We figured Bobarcher was part of it LAST week when he looked at a body dripping green goo and wasn't the slightest bit freaked out by it.

OMG, Hugo sucks. I don't think he could be part of an episode and it be REALLY good.

Or you can be someone smart enough to have completely ignored everything Entourage and had every Entourage joke totally misfire.

I don't know if it's been said, but I don't see The Maze as something they're trying to discover or get into. I'm guessing Westworld itself is The Maze and the robots are trying to find their way OUT. They've shown the Westworld map as being circular and the corporate offices have a ridiculous number of rounded walls

Being a 49er fan quite sad about their current state of affairs, I laughed AT LENGTH over the Jim Harbaugh joke. Thanks for inflicting fucking Kaepernick on us, asshole!

What the fork? I didn't know anything about that! This would scare me a little bit, since it's being removed for TWO showings of Superstore, a show that is barely doing any better ratings-wise. It also doesn't make any sense as it's only got 13 episodes, so splitting it up makes NO sense as there are only four more

They're rigging the election with corpses! I'm sure that one corpse voted for the nasty woman 1000 times!

I agree it was confusing as hell! And letting your boss know you are investigating him in such an amateurish way? Not smart.

Gawd this show is an asshole factory. I think Sarah Jessica Parker is supposed to be a likable awful person, but she's just not talented enough. Her scenes would zing with someone like Julia Louis-Dreyfus or even Tina Fey in the role. So my problem is that this week her character was supposed to be the one we kind of

No, it was Kurt the Reptilian (not Jeff, as the article states… it's Jeff the Grey, not Ken).

There was only one scene where Evie was alone. And I'd say there was probably just a couple extra scenes of Denise this week. The only difference between this episode and last is that Stan talked a lot less this time. There's a good level of Ted McGinley. Last episode had too much. This one had too little. They really

It's still IFC, so don't expect much a couple days from now.

I stopped watching for the EXACT reason you have issues with it. It's just so manipulative that none of the emotions feel earned anymore. It feels like the first talking point of every script meeting is "Who gets to make people cry this week?" Why I stopped, though, is that I really just don't like anybody except "Fat

All the Cecilia stuff just cracked me up. We need to revisit Venezuela down the road.

And why the fuck would they care about such petty, unimportant bullshit?

Having sex with a robot while YOU KNOW people are monitoring you? Yeah, no thanks.

Then it would have been far more interesting - and less squirmy - to have her say, "I see no stereotype has been ignored." In fact, a comment like that would underline more of what you are saying compared to what actually happened, which added nothing to the story. And this show already has too much of nothing being

So the scene was totally gratuitous, but you pick and choose on what types of gratuitous things get on your nerves?

Especially the fact that we don't even know if them finding out about their condition is supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing. If we KNEW one way or the other, then maybe we'd feel something about this path they're taking. Otherwise it's robots doing robot things.

That orgy reminded me of the orgy scenes in Spartacus, which were way more erotic. I couldn't figure out what the problem was here. Maybe we needed more of Dolores being shocked by this stuff? She seemed strangely nonchalant about this all. Or maybe because the episode already had so much nudity in it that there