
My biggest problem was the whole Chekhov's Gun thing. Once Ruby said that Baal could be in any of them, that informs us that we could have a nice episode of The Thing going on. So he ends up being in the only person NOT in the room, and then FINALLY appearing in the room via the ceiling? That's some stupid shit right

No we didn't. The "chat with the bitches who won't win" was always the worst part of the live finales. Most of these queens went home because they weren't bringing it onstage, so we're going to bring them onstage again and hope that changes? Pshaw!

First, maybe we should actually name HORROR films. "Silence of the Lambs" is NOT a horror movie. "The Witch" is NOT a horror movie. "The Sixth Sense" is NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT a horror movie. And there isn't enough ink in my laptop to say how much "Safe" is NOT a horror movie.

Stephen was Mr Judgey when he got all born-again. Apparently you can shove God in everyone's face when you "discover" God, but if you find some non-religious politician full of hate and stupidity, then fuck God and go all in for that fucktwat!

"… up until recently"??? What kind of stupid shit is that? She completely changes her routine every time she tours. So don't imply that she pulled that shit because she was embarrassed by it. That's fucking idiotic.

She would've been much better off just saying something like, "We love the song. It's our tribute to it. If you don't like it, fine. I'm sorry for celebrating a song in a way you don't like."

Okay, new rules for lip-synching to music videos: You can't do it if the singer is a different race, gender, sexuality, religion, height, weight, eye-color, hair-color, nostril-width, etc. MUSIC IS NOT TO BE ENJOYED BY ANYBODY!

Yeah, it was fun. Yeah, Ian Fleming was cool. Malcolm Barrett is still awesome. But we still haven't been given one good reason to care what Goran is doing, so I don't care. I can't even be bothered to remember his name and they say it like 100 times per episode. Yet what little passes for plot on this show is all

When you come down to it, there's not a whole lot of difference. It's all basically the same formula - setup, setpiece, setup, setpiece… continue until the Act 3 showdown. Some of them just happen to skip the initial setup and get straight to the first setpiece. Then they immediately get into a whole lot of setup. I

I would say the opening scene of "Scream 2" in the movie theater is nearly as good and should be on this list. They've gotten a little confused over what's scary and what's other things. To be "scary", a movie has to actually scare you. "The Ghost Ship" certainly brings out a lot of emotions, but not one of them is

The opening scene from "It Follows" is utterly ridiculous. She runs out of the house - in what appears to be pajamas and high heels??? - and then slows down, which means she's well aware of how slowly "it" follows. She then runs back into the house to get the car keys, which obviously makes no sense as she's just run

Great review, but one quibble: in the 21st Century "people of color" refers to ALL non-white people. Mention a roomful of "people of color" and I fully expect to see Latinos, Asians and possibly a random Filipino scattered about.

Excellent point about Tandy going back to being insanely annoying. That works in small doses and this was pretty much non-stop. Erg.

Yes, because that's what makes good television!

Those would actually be GREAT places to be trapped with a demon! He could destroy!

I don't think people will care all that much about that character actually being Regan. Mainly because movies have more of an impact on us in our formative years. I distinctly remember being 7, which was obviously too young. So most people who saw this in their formative years will be getting discounts at Denny's.

I don';t get the part where the eyeball ship is creating their clothes on "Timeless". Didn't they make a big deal about dressing them before they got into the eyeball on the pilot? And weren't they arranging their new clothing as they sat down in the ship this week?

Was this really a thing that made peoples' buttholes pucker? I mean, obviously, dropping a novelty American flag is way more horrendous than grabbing pussies without permission, but still….

It's been like a week. What country do you live in where you think we'd have a Congress full of newbies in a week?

Ted McGinley looks nothing like Peter Gallagher.