
That's hilarious because many of the reviews I've read call the books "historical bodice-rippers". At least when they aren't calling them "high-falutin' Harlequins".

Maybe they'll finally pretend that Asians and Latinos can shoot at ghosts too!

I don't give a flying shit whether you like this show or not. Your opinion of this show ranks, for me, somewhere in the area of Donald Trump's opinion of this show.

All this man-bashing but you didn't address the fact that this show is almost completely unappealing to men! Men raping men is not a plot that excites male viewers. Watching a man suffering from that rape is also not something that excites male viewers. Watching a man get revenge by poking sharp sticks at that man?


I'll give you the whiny, but from what I hear, that's what she is in the book. But I can't give you the Jamie stuff because this whole thing is "historical fiction seen through the eyes of a woman." At least I read that that's the point of all this. It's all Claire's story, regardless of how many things don't even

I wasn't the one with the funny comment. Also nothing that was said by either me or the funny comment-writer is the equivalent of "You had problems with everything." That's about as logical as the Paris plot in this show! It's even less logical than someone throwing a fit because someone doesn't like something at the

And 30 years from now they'll remake it into yet another mildly-humorous film and there will be a bunch of nerds bellyaching that the new Ghostbusters are now two women and two men - which is utterly ridiculous!!! - and will litter discussion boards saying that movie is a horrible piece of shit before even seeing it

I have a hard time buying your lengthy rant when very little of this man-focused plot you are describing actually bothered to happen in the first 23 episodes of this series! The first season certainly wasn't a whirlwind of action and adventure! And where was all that man-focused plot you speak of in Paris? Because I

How many episodes took place in Paris? I would've preferred THAT many less!

Wow, what a snotty answer to what was obviously a funny comment. Maybe if the Paris half of the season wasn't such a shitstorm of plotlessness, random character beats and unnecessary rape scenes, I'd buy that he doesn't need to read the comments of viewers. But that shit did happen and his very talented team needs to

Yeah, they wouldn't shut up about it. Yet, they somehow never seemed to actually DO anything to make it happen. THAT'S what we viewers never gleaned!

What about Claire's on-again-off-again worrying about stuff happening in the past affecting the present? "Let's change the history of this battle!" "If you kill him, my husband won't be born!" "If he dies, you may disappear! I don't know how this works!" But never once a "Well, if my husband is never born, I'll never

You think Alan Cumming has a good American accent? Ooof!

I think that review actually lasted longer than the actual show!

I kind of agree - especially with Darius looking like a dick - but Ruby's story felt done, at least in the lazy way they've dealt with "plot" this season. On a better show, they'd delve a little more into these women who "fall in love" on these reality shows. But this show doesn't give the slightest shit about that.

Will I? Didn't AV Club dump this one too?? They've dumped every other show.

They've already proven they're worse at writing for the male characters than they are at the female ones, so imagine 20 even less-defined contestants next season if this were their path!

I'll be right behind you. I hated this episode so much that I grabbed the remote to cancel my Series Recording and then that crap about how dramatic the show would be next week stopped me. So now I'll sit through an hour even crappier than this week and I will be extra pissed for falling for their crap. OR it'll be

Wasn't she grabbed from college? You know, the place where bad choices are born?