
I don't understand this Ruby shock AT ALL. She had her big shocking scene, she went home. That's what happens to ALL the contestants. It's becoming a real cliche for the show.

And, really, what bit of ridiculousness is left for this show? They'll kill Darius and the replacement bachelor will be Bill Cosby? The contestants will be black market sex slaves that Quinn kidnapped personally? The contestants who don't move on will be disemboweled by jackals?

So, I'm taking it there isn't a lot of sarcasm in the Marvel properties?

I certainly didn't spend any of my weekend reading one of the various recaps that are no longer on the website!

Hey! There's nothing people need more than to be told by someone else than what's wrong with their tongue! If only there were another way to figure out what tastes good in our own mouths other than having perfect strangers tell us!

OMG OMG OMG!!! An article about the 50th Spider-Man we've had in the past decade! I'm so excited I might start hitting puberty soon! Good thing so much TV coverage is getting the axe, so we can get even more of these RIVETING non-news stories!

Someone can just enjoy the postings of others, can't they?

It does seem what little heart this show actually had disappeared with Ms Noxon. But I said something last season that I think is coming to fruition: That they shot their wad with all the contestants last year. A secret lesbian! A bulimic! A bipolar woman who commits suicide! It's clear they don't have many ideas in

After reading the interview with the current showrunner, it may be going down the path of Selina trying to become a powerful ex-President - a la Carter or Clinton.

… and the White House. You do know that Veeps aren't locked inside that building and are actually allowed in the White House on occasion, right? Especially since the President certainly isn't going to walk over there to talk to her.

Gawd, I just HATE that as part of my U-Verse package that Showtime is included. I actually called up to complain! "Can't you switch over to a real channel, like Cinemax? Even that stupid Epix thing? I'd actually watch something on that every month or so!" (For the record, this package comes with HBO, Starz, Encore and

Which would have worked how exactly? Unless Montez made Selina her VP, removing her from the presidency solves exactly nothing, storywise. Though Martin Mull's line at the end might mean next season will be about lawsuits to get those Nevada votes counted? That seems like a stretch, but I really can't wrap my head

Hey! Stop slut-shaming Mary! She just happens to like deep-throating strange dong! THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!!!

The whole final season was about 90% torture. Hell, almost everything after Marshall's father died was pretty bad. It's like the show turned into a drama after that. Which is too bad because they actually found a good Mother, which nobody believed would happen.

I can't even tolerate a rerun of How I Met Your Mother with how bad that finale was.

I hear he survived that whole thing on the cross too!

There's this thing called editing. EVERY SINGLE REALITY SHOW ON EARTH uses it. They've even shown them doing it for this show.

Okay, then. It came off a little bit like lesbians deserve skanks instead of lesbians deserving a little T&A. Though why they'd be watching a bunch of women slobber over someone with a penis is beyond me.

Let's go do that on a shitty show that - for some reason - is still getting recapped. Feed the Beast anyone?

That was my big problem. Nobody could be a big enough idiot to think T&A is what a show aimed at straight women and gay men needs. It makes Chet seem unrealistically stupid. He's awful in many ways, but he didn't get big in the television world by misjudging audiences. The show would be making a bigger point if Chet