
CSI's biggest returning character was that S/M woman Lady Heather. They were never judgmental about her.

It's entirely possible. This season had one episode fewer than every other season, and that's certainly not something Comedy Central would've negotiated willingly. So fewer episodes had to be coming from Schumer's side. It seems like a classic negotiation: "We want 8 episodes!" "8 episodes and a clip show!" "Fine!"

Why is there not an F- for me to select????

That whole movie was tension. I think it gets a bum rap for not being as clever as the original but the first was really Kevin Williamson's movie and the second was Wes Craven starting with that Williamson concept but eventually taking the wheel an steering it back to pure horror.

Except 4, as generic as it was, was still better than that 3 disaster. Really, 4 might've actually been pretty good had they bothered to kill one of the major characters. I thought for sure Courteney Cox was going to bite it - since killing off David Arquette was the obvious choice - so when she didn't it really

Timothy Olyphant isn't a weaker ANYTHING!!!

I think the two mentioned scenes from 2 are two of the three best scenes from the series but, yeah, the killers were so easy to figure out this time. That said, I think it was actually scarier than the first one. I wasn't scared that often in the first one but 2 started off scary and just kept the tension turned up.

The shit I just took was leaps and bounds above 3.

She was living! Inside Norman!

It's called a repressed memory. Don't look into it any further!

No, she ran upstairs because she runs to the front door and the killer is there. The killer FORCED her to go against her own advice. Which he knew about since he was her boyfriend. SPOILER!!! (It's a zillion years old. So HA if you were spoiled!!)

My only real disagreement with that is that Behind the Mask is more of a Blair Witch than a Scream type of movie. The metacommentary is certainly there, but it still reads as more of a found-footage type movie than what Scream was going for, which was "Hey, we're going to tell you the rules slasher movies live by, and

It may not have delivered the jump, but it did deliver on what it promised. I certainly wasn't scared by it, but the characters were so well-written that you had to be scared for all their futures.

Okay, totally love The Descent. I would put the claustrophobia of those early scenes as a definite nod to classic horror. The final act is more like a nod to EVERY horror movie EVER, but it didn't erase the memory of those early scenes.

Why was this season so short and yet still seemed rushed?

How many horror films have actually left lasting marks on the genre? Since the 80s, horror films have always focused more on what came out last year than anything that came before. Which is why everything now is found footage bullshit or random jump scares in a haunted house. And when this boring crap stops bringing

But where will all the Jew-hating come in?

… or Cat will only be seen on television screens and in phone calls because that bitch ain't moving to no Vancouver!

I came on here specifically to ask if anyone found Bridget Everett funny. Apparently not.

You had a bunch of unnecessary words up there. All you needed was: