
They had webisodes for that. They were sweet.

Don't remind me! That whole tuna thing was the absolute STUPIDEST thing on The Kroll Show. I wanted them both dead soooooo bad! And then they go on CB!B! and be all funny, I don't know what to think anymore. I mean, as funny as this was, that was A LOT of unfunny tuna shit!

I think the main problem with this season hasn't been the setting, but it was the lack of an interesting throughline. If you only have the jokes, then you might as well be Family Guy. It certainly was better than the Miami Vice season, but the problem with that season wasn't the storyline, but their stupid idea to

Dear Greg Berlanti,

Then "assbutt" would really thrill them!

I'm often impressed by some of the animation on this show but a lot of the non-human action stuff has been pretty bad. Car scenes are usually the worst, but the whole fire-starting scene might have been the worst ever. It looked like somebody found some stock footage on their phone and ran it through an animation app.

My favorite line in a while!

Maybe next season Oliver can go visit The Flash and get sucked into Earth 2 and we can spend a few seasons with everyone playing different roles. REBOOT!

AGREED! I still haven't gotten over when he showed up on the New Now Next Awards in a stripe of fabric to show off his abs - which he was still sucking in! - and those fucking teeth and his orange spray tan…

I actually forgot about her! Yeah, that episode wasn't one of the more stellar ones. It was all the crap that has been the most problematic with the show: the obsessive focus on the Kenny/Eileen relationship, Kenny coming out yet again. Like I said elsewhere, the last third was much better.

I'm lucky I remembered what happened THIS WEEK! Don't make me be all memoryish!

I'm so uninvested in this season, I can't be bothered to figure out who half these people you mention are, let alone Ed. I just now bothered to remember who Delphine is. Can they just all be given amnesia and discover each other all over again?

Rape is defined as sexual assault against someone without that person's consent. Claire was forewarned what would be expected of her, and still she went forward, thereby giving her consent. She was more like a hooker making a transaction. Unpleasant? Of course. But the point being made was the depths she was willing

That's part of the problem too. If you don't show a rape in all its horrible glory, then you run the risk of minimizing it. I actually felt less sorry for Fergus after seeing that scene. Not because "Well, it could've been worse!" but because I started thinking about the poor kid playing Fergus and poor Tobias Menzies

I love when writers say stuff like that. It's basically code for: "Our viewers are extremely stupid."

What a fucking weirdo.

To be honest, I don't know how anybody can actually watch every single second of this show. Sometimes it moves at the pace of a novel, and I mean someone READING that novel while characters walk around not doing a whole hell of a lot. I keep thinking that Claire doesn't just show up back in the 1940s; that's just when

And if Frank is never born then Claire doesn't marry him and then has no reason to visit the stones that sent her back in time to Jamie. What happens then? NOBODY KNOWS. So why can't anyone think of something THAT FUCKING OBVIOUS?

Really the only part of the episode I enjoyed was White Witch scene. The choices made at the beginning of the episode dealing with the baby's death were overdone and unimaginative. We've seen all that so many times before that it dulls our emotion for what happened. Plus, that nun has the most stilted line readings,

That got delayed. They're going to introduce those characters on "Chicago Neighborhood Watch".