
Please. Who's the one that the Grimm always goes to for help? Rosalee. I think every male on that show, except MAYBE Renard, has been in distress more than Rosalee has. You have a very selective way of watching this show.

I actually enjoy the show a lot. Yeah, Shannon suffers from the same one-notedness that 80% of the black-ish cast suffers from, but like that show they're at least given funny things to say. Unlike Shannon, though, I think Pat and Jimmy are certainly better drawn after 13 episodes than most of the characters on that

Hardly. We've gotten pornadoes… a bunch of gay terminology about male body shapes… a mother trying to force her son to have sex with a girl… blurred F-bombs galore. And there hasn't been a single bigot on the show yet. Thirty years ago, the one or two gay characters on television would've faced a bigot at least every

I can relate to Bob because I'm kinda the same way. I wouldn't be on that show crying or revealing deep shit about my family life (which would need to be made up to make it onto the actual show). I would even be less into the drama than Bob was, so I would TOTALLY call bitches out on their bitchy antics and I WOULD

… where everyone but one person hates her?

I have been wondering the same thing. So I looked. Two from last year are gone. That's only 20%. BUT one of them was Jon Glaser, who spent years writing for Conan, so I'm saying it's because of him! Now I miss him on TWO shows!

Firefly probably would've been. Cuz Joss Whedon!

"Was"? Unfortunately that character is no longer in the past tense.

I don't see how it would be less Rosalee. It's a fake pregancy. They could make her run around at 9 months if they pleased.

They should've split her and had Eve AND Juliette in the same season! It'll be the opposite of Orphan Black!

Who WOULDN'T fall for his hotness? He so much as unbuttons one button on that shirt and my clothes would DISINTEGRATE! Adalind's clothes remaining intact means he must be really lousy in bed.

Which explains why Rosalee is the most beloved character on the show. How dare they!

I know with NBC: Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, Chicago Justice, Chicago FBI, Chicago CIA, Chicago Private Detective Agency, Chicago Meter Maids, Chicago Library Police, Chicago Security Guards, Blacklist and Blacklist 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Good review, but I have another issue with these episodes: Why does everyone shoot, shoot, stab, shoot, axe, shoot, shoot and then FINALLY Eve wanders in to Darth Vader the remaining one or two baddies? REPEATEDLY??? It seems kind of ridiculous with how much killing there has been of Black Claw members that Eve just

It's HOW you speak your truth that makes you a twat. And your fucking racism isn't helping much, racist twat.

One of them is mine. But you're lying to yourself if you think the non-Juniors are better written than the kids on The Middle, or the kids on Fresh off the Boat (even Eddie gets to be more than ONE thing), or the kids on The Real O'Neals (although Shannon is barely more than Diane's one-note villain but that show's

A hundred years from now, drag will still be 90% dudes in dresses lip-syncing for bills. The fashions will be the only thing that changes.

She was certainly bitchier! Which FOR SOME REASON she decided to continue into her Goodbye-to-the-Crown speech. "I've gotten validation from people I've respected for years and years and years." That's passive-aggressivese for "I don't care what you LOSERS think, people that actually MATTER like me!" She's taken that

Watch the ACTUAL RuVeal on Logo:

OMG! I'm sick of saying this!