
Really? You think these politicians making sure that Christians have the legal right to be bigoted to others aren't being at least borderline sociopathic? Being a sociopath doesn't mean you want to murder everyone you don't like. It just means you don't feel empathy for others, which is pretty much a requirement when

Yes, that was just this year that we found that out!

Yes, "trite"… that ten-dollar word! How fancy!!

Please! Junior. He's obviously the only one the writers understand.

Those aren't personalities. They're sitcom traits. Junior is a fully-realized character. The other three are a conglomeration of mild quirks. Except for Zoe, who isn't even allowed quirks. She just needs to go off to college and never return. The kids on The Middle were never this bland. The kids on Fresh Off the Boat

I agree with everything in this review. What I find puzzling about all this is that it may be Schumer's face everywhere, she's not actually the sole creator of this show. There's about a dozen writers and there's even a showrunner, who isn't Schumer. So there's really no excuse for such a dropoff in quality. Remember

I wondered about them losing the baby too. I just don't see a lot of baby plots. But would they go that deep?

I can't believe this show is ALREADY going down the baby path! They still have THREE kids who barely have personalities as is! And Ruby DOES need to go home. Her character is one-note (okay, actually two-note: bitchy and horny) and a cartoon character and she's taking time from the characters on this show who are

Yes, you can certainly tell that from the fact that I knew something you didn't. People who know things are such dicks!

His balls are so blue, they can't get any bluer.

It's funny that the author's book is ruined because he figures out something about trains that makes his plot impossible… meanwhile THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THIS FAMILY WOULD CHOOSE TO TAKE THE TRAIN TO PORTLAND!!!! From LA it is TWENTY-NINE FREAKIN' HOURS! Would they really want to waste two and a half days of their

You're the one who got butt-hurt over nothing. I'm just the person who pointed it out. Don't start shit if you can't take the blowback, Princess.

I have empathy for her life FIFTEEN YEARS AGO. I don't have a lot of empathy for people whose feeble attempts to move on consist of making a neverending series of stupid decisions and lashing out at anybody who tries to help. Denial, regardless of its reasons, is still just a form of stupidity. I reserve all my

Once he's apprehended, you've just reshot Psycho again. End it with that shower scene or I'll end it for you!

I would buy that as long as it was basically the end of the series. Once I see Marion in a shower, I'm done. You DO NOT compete with Alfie!

I loved it but wish it had actually ended before the Red Dragon stuff. I read the book. I saw Manhunter several times. I saw Red Dragon. Once. I REALLY did not need to see that story in a much-longer version.

That ride got renamed too! It's now the Great Time to Nap Ride.

EVERYTHING is very well loved by Disney fanatics. Those doofuses cry when unpopular crap gets the ax.

Universal has rights to the Hulk film franchise (if it's not an Avengers movie) so you very well may be right. It behooves Universal to allow Marvel creative control over upcoming Hulk films. That way, maybe Hulk will be allowed to talk to other Avengers in his movie, since two movies have already proven that Bruce

More than anything, Disney would rather "upgrade" current rides rather than build new ones. Test Track gets made over to look like Tron in Epcot! Toy Story Mania in Disney's Hollywood Studios gets another track! Soarin' gets a new theater in Epcot! Let's make a new film for that ride system! Let's make a new film for