
You said you'd "do the research" and I NICELY pointed out that I had done the research. No need to get all butt-hurt.

That is bad show right there. It is definitely exciting but seeing a theme park isn't exactly Twilight Zone material, and it'd be even less Guardians material. But what if they opened that door and you saw infinite space down below? If they could pull that off, it'd be freaky as hell.

It is. Paris's is. Tokyo's isn't

On this show that could still be the case. AFTER we find out she IS in on it, then we'll go back and get that scene again with the reveal that a gun IS to her head showing us that she was FORCED to be in on it.

You might be a little late. I think the next episode's been written. ;-)

Yeah, it seemed a little, "Okay, create a scene where Jane gives this face and we'll make it look like she does love him in the commercials!"

I loved #SorryNotSorry

Yeah, stupid of the master manipulator to not think of that one.

Good episode but two minor issues and one major one:

That stuff about going somewhere else seemed a little foreshadowy to me. I could totally see Norman getting life insurance money, selling the house/motel, and moving somewhere else AND BUILDING THE SAME EXACT SHIT! The movie does take place in California after all…

Yeah, I had wandered away during the scene where she was apparently being wired or being told about being wired or whatever happened because I JUST SAID I DIDN'T SEE IT! SHEEESH! Anyhow, about three sentences in I was all, "Bitch be wired!"

No, that would suck. Did you see the remake of Psycho? NOBODY needs to remake Psycho!

Wow! I liked Psycho II and I actually have no memories of Psycho III. Then I reread your synopses and realized I don't even remember II! I just remembered it was shockingly suspenseful.

I think it's way too far from the canon to have Marion appear too soon. Norman wasn't an 18-year-old in Psycho, and I think that movie is the one thing that can't be screwed with. Plus, if they introduce Marion, then we'll have to see all the stuff we've already seen. As beautiful as Hannibal was, when they started

I would say pity rather than empathy. It's hard to have empathy for people who haven't showed it to others. Not everybody who's had a bad life murders others or enables that murderer to continue murdering.

But he's a "victim" who's killed how many people? Boo-fucking-hoo.

When she dumped Romero, I was all "Go home and get killed, dumbfuck!" My wish came true! She was Norman's enabler and her moronic denials just made her his accomplice.

So imagine that but you're looking at the ruins of a temple instead of a bunch of dimly lit dinosaurs.

Oh, the hosts on SNL are the absolute worst when it comes to reading whatever it is they're reading. But shouldn't we expect a little more from the cast members? If they can't memorize lines they probably wrote, then they could at least PRETEND to be looking into the camera or at the other characters. I don't notice

"Not only is it odd that he didn't show up, but you just happened to know he wouldn't show up and you showed up instead! That seems extremely underhanded, so we'd LOVE doing business with someone so trustworthy!"