
I'm sure that guy went straight to Yelp!

Not to be rude, but not every bipolar person is doing "well". I know of three in my life: One stopped showing up to work and nobody knows where he even is, except for a recent appearance at a food kitchen a friend was volunteering at. His father, also bipolar, had two separate stints at an actual mental hospital for

Yeah, "inspired" by other shows!

I upvoted, but it shouldn't read as a full upvote just for that CivilWar shit at the end.

That is what's always stupid about this plot. As if the cops won't be questioning everybody until long after the end of the hostage crisis. "You guys were hostages? Oh! Sorry for your ordeal. Head on home!"

Yeah, because when trying to eat healthy, the thing Californians worry about most is what toppings to add to a 220-calorie slice of pizza crust. We also eat pomegranate-acai doughnuts and fettuccine Alfredo with tofu meatballs.

What happened to her talking to people on the street? I'm sorry but Jim Norton and Robert Kelly aren't funny. Most of these Comedians in a Bar bits have been less than stellar. The other big problem this year has been the bits that go on too long, like the football sketch. Start editing and add in more stand-up when

Ben & Kate? That rarely-funny show that relied almost entirely on the actors to bring something to their underwritten roles? Yeah…

That's the first time I've laughed at a Cam/Mitch story all season!

Well I was going to say something about how cute this was - and I'm not into this bit at all, but GEORGE - but apparently this is the board where you have to be a big asshole, so, umm, I hope someone dies n stuff!

Which reminds me… Why no talk show challenge? This shortened season has really robbed us of some of the more challenging challenges.

You've got to be a human being once in a great while. Or you're just shooting yourself in that thing you've got strapped to the side of your face, Acid Betty.

I would actually argue that Chi Chi has gotten the most confessional time. And yet she was so mysterious about where she was from and how much money she had.

I actually like having this episode be a "Who Deserves Final Three More" than a real LSFYL. If someone is perpetually in the Bottom Two but kills it at the LSFYL, they are still someone who is almost always one of the two worst queens and there comes a time where they should go home just for failing at so many

If you've watched the two of them onstage together, Bianca OWNS Bob. I love me some Bob but Bianca is just quicker with the wit.

True dat. I didn't even really watch it because I knew it had nothing to do with the final outcome. Is that what you really want in the episode before the Finals, epic indifference?

Meryl SO deserved to win for her Julia Child.

My upvote was actually a Superdelegate upvote!

There have been lip-sync challenges that weren't LSFYL challenges, so I'm not sure that's a valid argument.

Certainly not. But it's also not this Evolution Story that the show is trying to sell us either. The fact is, the way the show is currently set up, the Final Four episode totally destroys any sort of fashion evolution because it's always the bitches pulling out what's at the bottom of their suitcases. If they want to