
I actually like her. But I'm not RuPaul. I expect a little more than "dude in a dress". And I don't like when the show manipulates us into believing a contesticle has had a major turnaround when all she did was have two nice runway outfits in a row. I hate the show's seasonal need to make that storyline happen, even

You're so lucky!

But dismissive to the point of removing these people from his life? Sorry, not buying it. This is all a requirement of the plot, not a believable character development.

I get snotty on the Outlander boards because there are so damn many people who take things way too personally on here. I don't get that. I had absolutely nothing to do with its creation so I'm not going to cry if someone doesn't think the same way I do. Differing opinions is what makes these boards interesting, right?

He just doesn't "feel like" himself on his meds!

Yes, she got a pass for being overly weird when being somewhat normal was a requirement. Loved her, but she was her own downfall.

Especially back when Grace Jones wore it. Forty years ago.

There's no reason the final outfit in the Book Ball can't be their "best" drag. This MUST become reality because every season of Drag Race gets progressively worse after Number Five is sent home. Boring-ass RuPaul video filming, whatever's left in the queen's luggage, a finale judging that has absolutely nothing to do

I LOVED Magnolia!

Which they totally got lucky with. They have no clue how these contesticles will fare in a reality-show environment. It could go great, like this year. Or it could go train wreck, like last year.

It has seemed to me, at times, that Kim is playing the game. I won't accuse her of crying on cue, but I wouldn't be shocked to learn that's what happened either. I have long said that if I had a game plan going into this, this is what it'd be: I'd start out with great outfits but still have some obvious flaws. I'd

When you hold your legs up that way, it usually includes your hands!

And Season 2 had Tyra winning!

Like the Fishy queens don't get passes for:

I also think some of it is knowing the show so well. Last year the Final Four LSFYLed together. So why not wear something you can lip-sync in and not some skintight ballgown that will limit your movements?

I actually tend to agree with them, though. I think there's more discrimination against hefty queens than queens of color in the drag world. If the big girls aren't funny, then who needs 'em?

I thought you said she moved to Georgia…

You may not like Bob, but that is the most incorrect thing ever said about him. In fact, I think Bob's biggest downfall was that he was ALWAYS Bob. She sometimes needed to turn that shit up to 11, like Bianca did.

I hate hate HAAAAAATE when shows pull that "You're all going to the finale!" Bullshit. It's a copout. I watch this show to see bitches go home. I don't watch to see them keep coming back!

HEY! Unlike those OTHER girls, she isn't just ONE talent! She has looking fishy… and, umm, her disdain for comedy and fashion! She's a triple threat!