
I'm sure Naomi's closet is pretty bare. But not because she's so young, but because she doesn't wear much. "Hmmm, what training bra goes with these short-shorts?"

She had two good weeks. Well 2 1/3 good weeks with that third actually being a paper repeat of her scarecrow outfit.

There wasn't a Season 7. They canceled it and it never aired. It's all a great mystery.

I can't see a lot of fan outrage. SOMEBODY had to go. It clearly wasn't going to be Bob or Kim Chi, so there was a 50/50 chance it was Chi Chi. Naomi believes she has "many" talents but I certainly haven't seen them. Still, I can't argue as the Final Three always has to have someone from Ru's favorite category - the

Yeah, this is definitely a case of the challenge having absolutely nothing to do with the judging. The music video shit does always suck because it's yet ANOTHER lip-sync challenge, which is especially lame when one is coming at the end of the episode also. Plus, we JUST saw the queens perform a dance and wear three

It's also pretty shitty to the queens who won't cry. Because, really, how much did Kim Chi's stock go up for being the only one to break down? Yes, it was sad, but not being over your childhood traumas isn't a "talent".

Sorry, but anything with those boy clones was the most awful ever. So Season 3 loses.

Well, when your family is under threat of death, you do whatever you need to do make that not happen. He's being a little bitch.

One for cool people and one for whiny bitches.

Not in the slightest. Telling someone they cannot tell them for spoilery reasons is a million times better than just ignoring them.

Someone asked a question and she answered it in the best way possible. Loosen your girdle a bit.

Please stop activating him!

As stupid as that was, it was STILL more entertaining than the actual tassel tussle.

SERIOUSLY? That is a CHILDISH response. And I'll prove it:

Not if she submits that scene. I found the both of them highly annoying and she couldn't shut up fast enough. That was some pretty awful dialog right there and her histrionics didn't help.

I thought the argument between Claire and Jamie was annoying and went on way too long. The big fight at the end was rather endless too and seemed a bit pointless. Things just seemed weirdly paced. There are enough problems that it automatically loses that A. But it was certainly better than recent episodes.

That very well may have been the worst Middle EVER. Seriously, I love these people (well, not Frankie so much) but I just wanted them all to go away.

I wondered about Naomi's "self-awareness" too, but he does come off as a nice little boy who was taught well by his sweet mommy. If Ginger Minj had any self-awareness, she'd be wearing the Season 7 crown!

You are watching a different show. When she's been read for subpar looks she immediately gets defensive about not being able to afford the stuff the other queens have. She even got smacked down for whining about it ON THE RUNWAY. She's been better about it lately but that doesn't change the fact that she wahwahed

I think I'm in your exact boat! It would've been nice to see a hefty queen win, but Ginger was such a non-stop bitch in Untucked. I still 100% believe that's what cost her the win.