
Were the other 9 or 10 writers who also write for this show making movies and doing press junkets also? What's their excuses?

Shockingly, it seems most of us wouldn't have given it an A, like the reviewer. (Note the B+ from the non-reviewers up there… that's an absolute chasm on this website!) When someone complained about so many Better Call Saul episodes getting A's, I said something to the effect of "Name something that didn't work in the

And idiocy.

I was actually on your side until about 50 messages ago. Adults know when to give it a rest. You both need to put on your training bras and go dream about which Nickelodeon star is the hottest.

OMFG, seriously SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You sound like a 12-year-old girl who wasn't allowed to go to the One Direction concert!! I like the show but you're the one making me want to hate it. "Just ignore them." TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE AND STOP BEING A REPUBLICAN ABOUT SOMEONE HAVING A DIFFERING OPINION THAN YOUR

OMG! Somebody has a differing opinion than you!!!! I simply cannot imagine a WORSE thing to EVER happen!!!!!!!!! May I suggest suicide? It's really the only way to deal with THE HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm with you. I'm starting to become hugely annoyed by the romance portion of this show because the men are starting to become arm candy while Claire wanders around having all the fun and all the plot. Oh look, this man will do anything for her! Oh, that one will too! "Jamie, go off and have a boring conversation

Yeah, but I've read a lot of comments from readers on here who think the books are also a bit of a chore to get through, with historical accuracy often crowding out actual plot. So there's another group to appeal to.

I agree that people are complaining about her lack of high fashion (she just needs to complain on a regular basis about HOW POOR SHE IS and then everyone will shut up about that lol). But I don't think there's a lot of grumbling about her actually winning. The vast majority of people hereseem perfectly fine with that

Pretend I upvoted that like a hundred times.

Chi Chi's fucking HOBBY is pigeonholing herself! "I don't got no money! I'm a poor girl from Looosiana! I eat roadkill and chicken necks! CUZ I'M POOR!" Bitch needs to either STFU or change her name to Pidgin Ho.

Which is why it was obviously NOT about sexual preference. Bryce has a girlfriend and yet ended up in the bottom bunk. Splain that.

No, he was clearly supposed to be naked because there are scenes where he has no HUGE RED BAND encircling his waist and he's covering his junk, which he wouldn't need to do if he was wearing a big red anything! Any shot showing his full body, no Speedo. Any shot where his junk is below frame, unexpected appearance of

I'm so back and forth on this show. It's trying to shove so much into a half-hour that it races past funny bits. Jason Jones overacts. The son is annoying. Some of the ridiculousness is ridiculous just for the sake of being ridiculous and not, you know, funny. It's also apparently lazy. How many times were we able to

"Derrick Berry wins a mini-challenge that requires no skill, correctly determining the preferred sexual position of the highest number of Andrew Christian models."

She's still pretty boring.

Except when she doesn't. "You look the same, bring me something different!" "You're doing the same pretty look every week. Turn it up." Have you seen some of the dresses Ru shows up in? SHE'S the one that shouldn't be commenting on other people's looks.

That said, her whole runway was NOTHING but that reveal. Before and after weren't all that.

Sorry but I hate, "Well Acid Betty was the lamest bitch on the planet last week but I like the things she sticks to the side of her face so let's send some other bitch home!"

Oh, if two queens sucked ass but were on different teams, then we'd hear "But we will judge you individually!"