
Except, for some odd reason, all tides apparently lead to that teeny tiny cove! If a zombie cruise ship crashed into that pier, I don't think that many zombies would wash up on that beach!

That show is too damn stupid to piss people off. Annoy? OMG, yes! I finally gave up after doing my best quasi-Homer - "Be SMART!" - didn't work.

That doesn't seem like a practical way to put on a bra.

Yeah, I felt like we had hit our Crazy Adult Threshold by that point.

I think shipping is the worst thing to happen to television, but I'm all over shipping Tina with anybody but Jimmy Jr. Girl needs to get her some boy butt!

This episode is a perfect example of what's wrong with Modern Family. That show seems to put everyone's name in a hat and pull them out two at a time. "Okay, Claire will have a story with Manny! Haley will have a story with Gloria! Phil will have a story with Cam! Jay will have a story with Mitchell! Luke will have a

If these are your comments, I'd prefer you go out and save lives.

It's "hasty and unfair" to claim that they were saying Christians "as a whole" are judgmental when the CONSTANT fight was that each has had different dealings with Christians. The fact that you want to ONLY focus on the "bad" Christians shows that you have no interest in whether or not this show was being "fair".

So you're saying at face value this season has been good? Come ON!

I'd disagree with that! First few years were hit and miss. Then they got into the stuff that everyone remembers and became huge. Then they tried too hard to replicate that and went back to being hit and miss.

Clearly you're not.

People who bitch about "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" are just bigots who are tired of being called out for being bigots.

Are those people in "today's America" you fucking illiterate imbecile? Learn to read, bigot.

Jesus expressly teaches tolerance. Why are you ignoring Jesus? Do you hate Jesus?

I'll let you in on a secret: Christian bigotry has been going on for years!


One band sings that and it generalizes ALL Christians? On a show where Cam said the Christians he grew up with were kind? The entire plot was about the different experiences they've had with Christians! Why don't you go bitch at church instead of saying something so stupid here, because there is ACTUAL intolerance is

They also did it on every show ever.

When Christians stop their bigotry, then we'll probably stop seeing that used as a plot device, no? You're pointing your "offense" at the wrong people.

Yet, that religion is currently not passing laws in this country directly hurting gays. I'll give you three guesses which religion is currently mistreating more people in this country.