
In my initial viewing of their latest kerfuffle, I thought Bob was being unnecessarily bitchy. But I rewatched it twice and he really wasn't being bitchy at all. Certainly not compared to how bitchy he was to the singing coach. And it turned civil very quickly. He and Derrick definitely annoy each other, but their

Personally, I would've been far worse than Bob. You're watching with tainted eyes because that is so not what's happening.

It was all the way at the beginning of last season, but I recall that Blaine was selling Utopium as a drug and the combo with Max Rager turned them into zombies, right? But I'm somehow under the impression that Vaughn KNEW that and has been instructing his scientists to find a combo that stops just shy of

I think what they did with Blaine was actually pretty smart writing. This show was starting to get a little villain-heavy. Getting near the end of the season, Mr Boss and Vaughn were going to need more and more screen time, which meant someone was going to get less. Blaine was really the only candidate as his villainy

"Everyone" on the boat party didn't go nuts. The ones drinking Max Rager did and they infected the ones who didn't. Turned zombies don't go nuts unless they don't eat brains. They figured out the cause of zombieism - Utopium - and removed it from the drink. They were then performing experiments on how much Utopium

Or he means, "I'm a Republican!"

I'm kind of into wishing zombies would attack 90% of the Ex-Girlfriend cast. And whoever thought ripping off It's a Wonderful Life was a good idea.

And Zombie Utopia was clearly not a last-second plan.

Eh. New girl gives off a definite Rita vibe.

It's been said before, but that is NOT what happened. Derrick DID say, "That was a new one for us." Someone else agreed and Bob said matter-of-factly, "Well, you knew it was coming! I don't know why you all gagging, she do it every season." So it wasn't even directed at just Derrick, and bitch had a point (why so many

Though Acid Betty saying Snatch Game sucks… she deserved to go just for that.

Yeah, why was he there? "We're getting a lot of love on ew.com, so let's throw that writer a bone, mmkay? We'll let him screw whichever queen he wants."

I liked her enough but in the whole scheme of things, she's still just a regal Barbie doll. My point is RuPaul is an INTERESTING drag queen, but seems to be drawn to those who aren't. Michelle wants INTERESTING. I refuse to fault her for that.

I would consider Jinkx as a campy queen.

My problem with Chi Chi, as I've said elsewhere, is that MANY drag queens aren't exactly the Monopoly man, running around throwing money at designers. Bob's looks before the show look like first-year drag outfits but he's creative. It doesn't look like Naomi or Derrick are wading around in expensive dresses either,

Did you watch a different show? He brought a NOTEBOOK. He took that crap SERIOUSLY. He flirted with Courteney. He said nice things about Ben. He laughed at almost every comment that was only slightly funny. That was a seriously effed up challenge where there was A LOT of lamery going on on that stage and he seemed to

Did it get in your eyes?

I don't think Bob cares that much for fashion. (Thorgy and Kim both tell him that in Untucked this week.) He's a performing drag queen, not a pageant girl nor strictly a lip-sync artist. That said, he had one of the best outfits in the Madonna challenge and Raja & Raven have Tooted all of his looks except the neon

You can't really go 100% by what they say in the interviews. Those things are always leading. "So tell me what you think about Bob winning ANOTHER challenge…" "So does Bob ever shut up or what?…" You have to go more by what's going on in the workroom and on Untucked. In those places Bob's worst "enemy" - Derrick -

Yes. I saw the one where Bob was a bitch to Derrick FOR GOOD REASON. And when Derrick got all defensive, Bob ended it. Only other time they dealt with each other was when Bob AGREED with Derrick's assessment of a situation. Bob was a tad bitchy about it, "I don't believe it but I actually AGREE 100% with Derrick!",